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Like a knife in my chest,
you were there,
laughing while I was dying inside.
I tried my best
But you took my pride

My wrist are bleeding.
My heart Is beating
But I'm feeling dead.

Falling deep into a grave,
Please, Lord, save me from hell
I promise I'll "get soon well"
Is someone listening to me?
My prayers are a waste of time
I've just committed another crime.

I did it again
'Cause I felt too much pain
My eyes burn
When I left my heart on?
I let you in,
Promised me, you won't
Let me down
Look, mom...
I'm a clown.
'cause I fell for it.

My wrist are bleeding
My heart is beating
But I'm feeling dead.

Falling deep into a grave
Please, Lord, save me from hell
But it's too late, now
to be absolved

I tried my best to resist
But it's too easy quit
My eyes burn,
What's matter?
If everything I do
Is nothing?
I'm not worth
That's what I'm

My wrist are bleeding
My heart is beating
But how worth being alive
If I'm feeling dead?

Falling deep into a grave
Please, Lord save me.
Even if is too late
Maybe it's my fate
My prayers are a waste of time
I already committed another crime
It's too late, now
To be absolved.

So che vi aspettavate un capitolo, e mi dispiace avervi deluso così tante volte. Ma neanche io so cosa mi stia passando per la testa.
Alterno momenti in cui sono "piena di vita" ad altri in cui, beh... Consumo tutte le lacrime che i miei occhi possano produrre.
Questa non è una poesia, o una canzone, anche perché non saprei neanche da dove iniziare, non so cantare... Quindi...
Comunque, riassume in poco... Tutto quello che ho dentro.
Mi dispiace essere stata assente per così tanto, ma non era mia intenzione ricadere.

FallingForYou 3 - Home FinallyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora