Chapter 1:

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Joey stumbled into class, and quickly made his way to an empty seat in the back.

Late again...


His friend Sid turned around and gave him a sad look, as he subtly pointed to the seat next to him.

Joey knew he tried to save that seat for him, he shrugged at Sid as if he didnt care and he cursed himself for being late yet again. Sitting in the back wasn't all bad though, but class was so boring by himself.

He was late again as he had to wait until his mom left the house in order to put on makeup. He liked makeup, goth just happened to be his style

But his mom didn't agree with that, so he hid his makeup in a bag and tucked it behind his curtain.

His friends didnt know why he bothered, considering the bullying had gotten worse because of it. But at the same time it made Joey feel a lot better about himself. He liked being feminine, not female, but some of the class mates had taken it upon themselves to indeed call him a girl, giving him the name Josephine.

God he hated it.

He was a guy, and it made him feel so shit about himself, and they never stopped, personally he would rather be called fag like he used to be, and the worse part was some of the teachers, in trying to be supportive for once, actually called him Josephine. Like wrong kid you're trying to support.

He sighed as he pulled out his notepad and started just scribbling crude drawings on it out of boredom.

Every second went by painfully as the teacher started talking about the x equivalent.

He looked down at his paper and started to zone out.

He was done with school. He knew it was his last year, but there was no fun in school. It sucked.

The teacher was saying something, but he ignored it until he heard his name.

His head snapped up as he saw a kid he had never seen before slide into the desk next to him.

He shook his head to wake himself up before blinking at the kid.

Joey stared at him, taking in his appearance, he had on a black misfits shirt, with some Jeans and long curly hair. He looked like someone Joey would associate himself with.

He turned and looked back at Joey, but Joey soon came to realise that was not a friendly face. Not that he was surprised with high school at this point. The shark tank that it was. Eating away at hopes and dreams. People were fucking assholes as he came to see that this fucking kid was no different.

"The fuck are you looking at?" The kid snapped

"Uh!" Joey went bright red "sorry."

The kid rolled his eyes and muttered a small but audible "fag."

Joey looked away, he was one of those kids apparently. Fuck and he was gonna be stuck next to him. He sighed. He shouldn't be surprised. But he was disappointed because it wasn't every day someone turned up in a misfits shirt.

He went back to doodling, he drew a small dick with legs at the bottom of his page, because it was a Monday and he could not be bothered.

He looked back up at the kid, who seemed to look confused.

The kid looked at him again, shit.

The kid sighed "Look, do you have a pen I could use?"

Joey nodded and quickly handed it to him not saying a single word.

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