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Joey waited on Corey's front porch as Corey's grandma had gone to pick corey up.

One whole year corey had been in that place. One whole year.

And Joey was happy to see finally see him outside that dull hospital.

He hadnt seen him for three whole months. It had been Corey's request in a letter. He said he wanted to in his words 'starve himself' from affection so it ment more when it got back. Joey didnt understand that logic but he never did when it came to corey logic.

While corey had been away, joey had graduated and got a job in a gas station. Being away from high school gave Joey time to reflect and in fact while corey had been gone, joey took time to find his flaws and pick on his self.

No Joey wasnt talking about his self image of fat or thin, tall or short.

He was figuring out what toxicity he bought into his relationship.

Lying, snooping, and being cold.

He knew he was cold when corey talked about things Joey didnt understand.

He didnt want to be toxic. He wouldnt say he was but there were so much thing hed done wrong looking back on it. Things he regretted whole heartedly.

He had talked to a therapist for a session, not for himself, but for when to help corey on dealing with the shit he went through.

And he was excited.

Joey's mom had helped buy him a small apartment and in the letter Corey had said he wanted to move in.

The talked on the phone and Corey grandma helped move Corey's stuff to Joey's place.

Joey was happy with the world.

After corey had left, that morning Joey came out to his mom. She wasnt the happiest but she accepted it since she didnt want to loose her son.

She had reassured Joey she would always love him. And guessed pretty quickly he was with corey.

She wasnt too comfortable with the idea of her son dating someone who was residing in a hospital for their mental health but she came to understand as Joey told her everything.

And Joey hated how he had to, but she actually took it well and wanted to support his boyfriend.

Joey sighed into his cigarette.

His mom wasnt Pleased about the smoking but since Joey was an adult she let it be.

Joey looked at the trees and watched tw squirrels in the trees.

He smiled as a car pulled up.

He felt the butterflies in the stomach as he wanted to faint.

He was so excited and happy to see him.


Corey's grandma got out the car and smiled at him.

"Hes home."

The door opened and out he got.

That smile.

That dammed smile.

That was a real true smile, that was the smile of someone in love.

Joey had never seen corey smile like that as corey ran out the car and over to Joey.

"Joey!" Corey began crying, as he pulled Joey into a hug.

This was a new corey.

A happy corey.

His corey.

Joey hugged him back hard as if to never let go.

Corey smiled kissing Joey's cheek before letting go.

Joey breathed "wow."

Corey looked healthy, properly healthy, he was cleanly shaved as opposed to his usual stubble. And for once he was wearing a short sleeve shirt without looking uncomfortable and insecure.

Joey looked into his eyes.


A beautiful sea deep blue, that Joey had never seen before, that drew Joey in.

Corey was actually happy.

Joey had to take that in.

He was finally what Joey always wanted him to be.


And It wasnt forced. For once in their relationship corey looked nearly whole.

"You look good..." joey said

"Thank you!" Corey smiled "you do too."

Joey blushed as corey lit up a cigarette himself

"I missed you so much." Corey said

"It was torture!" Joey said "but I've been improving on myself too."

Corey smiled "I'm glad."

The two sat smoking for a while, leaning on each other and watching the nature.

"How was it?"

"I'm glad I went." Corey looked at Joey "they treated me well...they helped me with the nightmares, with the thoughts and memories." Corey sighed "I still have them, I still have them a lot actually. But I found a medication that works for me. And I dont want to be chemically spaced out but I'm still able to create...so I'm not opposed to it." Corey nodded "I, well, like I said, I'm not better." Corey's lips curled into a smile "but they taught me how to deal with them, make them less predominate." Corey looked joey in the eye "I told them everything. Everything Joey...and they...they well believed me...no one has ever really before. It was a week after I got there. I hadnt spoken much since i didnt want to be there but they made me feel fairly safe, as safe as I could, and i ended up telling them and they...they told me I was strong Joey, they said I was still beautiful." Corey felt himself getting emotional "I thought i was ugly, I still kinda do, but I thought i really was, and they, to be called beautiful after going through that, it...wow. it hurt my heart in a good way. I would never have thought..and strong? Me? Wow."

Joey smiled "you are beautiful and strong Corey."

Corey smiled but shook his head "compliments are hard Joey. But thank you."

Joey smiled as corey was trying his best and thats all that mattered to Joey.

"So...?" Joey asked


"Well, your stuff is in my, or should I say our new apartment." Joey traced a finger down Corey's healed arm.

Corey grinned placing his hands on Joey's "I've been looking forward to it."

"I love you." Joey said

"I love you too." Corey said pulling joey into a deep romantic kiss.

Joey blinked a couple times before melting in too.

Corey broke it as per usual "come on let's go."

Joey nodded as he got his car keys out. Ready to take his boyfriend home, his home, their home.

The end!

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