Chapter 37:

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Corey opened the door for Joey.

"Corey?" Joey asked


"Where have you been?" Joey ranted "you said you were coming into today! Like I dont understand. You promised!"

Corey cringed "I'm sorry Joey."

"Sorry isnt good enough!" Joey huffed "you said you were coming in and you promised me a date."

Corey sighed "can you quiten down? Please?"

"What? Why?!"

Corey held his head "my head hurts."

"Why didnt you call and tell me?" Joey asked

"I woke up late." Corey said

"Well can I come in?" Joey asked

"No." Corey said "I've got to go...I'll come in tomrrow I promise."

"Why cant I?!" Joey asked "what have you got to hide?"

"Nothing. I'm just going back to bed." Corey said

Joey looked at the side of his house before nodding "okay. Well sleep well. Love you."

"Love you too.." corey said before closing the door.

Joey walked off the porch and round the house to where coreys bedroom window was.

He stood on his tiptoes as he looked in.

He was going to kill him.

Empty Jack Daniel's bottles lay on the floor.

Joey felt anger over come him as he jumped down and stormed off.

Corey didnt live too far for him as he rushed down the blocks and pulled up at a house he hadnt been to in a while.

He pounded at the door.


"Can I come in?"

"What you doing here?"

"Can I or can I not come in?" Joey asked

"Yeah. You look like you need to talk to someone."

Joey walked into the lounge and sat down.

"You okay?"

"I'm beyond pissed at him sid!" Joey ranted "he blew off our date the selfish prick!"

Sid blinked at him "what?"

"He blew it off." Joey snapped

"Why? Do you know why?"

"Because hes hungover as fuck!" Joey snapped


"He got shitfaced last night. Was super hung over and prioritised alcohol over me." Joey snapped

"Oh joey..." sid said "do you know why he drunk?"

"No!" Joey shouted "and I dont care."

"But you know...hes not well there in the brain." Sid said

"So?" Joey snapped "he chose to drink..he could have put it off until after."

Sid blinked at him "what?"

"I just...was really looking forward to it...and he blows me off like this?" Joey felt himself tearing up "why did he do this? Does he not know how much it hurts?"

"I'm sorry Joey..."

"What kind of a person would do that to someone?" Joey sobbed "like why? I hate him!"

Sid looked at him "joey..."

"No! Sid this...this isnt okay."

"Want me to talk to him?" Sid asked

Joey shook his head "I just put so much into our relationship. I think I treat him very well. I give everything I can. I love him but he cant even be bothered to be sober for our date. It ment a lot to me...he doesnt put in the effort anymore...he hates me. He hates me."

Sid suddenly got up "Joey!" He yelled "he loves you! For fuck sake he loves you! He doesnt hate you! He never hated you!"


"No! I cant take it Joey! Do you know how lucky you are?! Do you?!"

"I have a boyfriend who is a depressed alcoholic, who I know did drugs and yelled at me for something trivial and was raped-"

"Joey!! Stop!" Sid screamed "do you know how hurt hed be hearing you say that?!"

Joey didn't say anything as the tears kept falling down his face "he hurt me I deserve to be mad!"

"You have no right bringing up his trauma!" sid yelled "that's not even relevant!"

"What you hang out with him once and now you're on his side?" Joey yelled

"No!!" Sid screamed "but you have corey! Corey has you!"


"At least he reciprocated you're love!" Sid started crying himself "have you ever fallen in love? Proper love Joey not a crush and you ask him out but oh...oh no...hes straight..?"


"It hurts joey! It feels like dying. And yeah actually I like corey now I know him and you shouldnt say shit like that about him. You're lucky."

"Who did you ask?" Joey asked eventually

"I fell in love with mick..." sid sniffed "he was nice about it but hes straight..."

"Oh sid I'm sorry.."

"But you and your boyfriend you actually love each other...I'm probely never going to get that...dont throw it away...dont throw him away Joey...dont waste your chance..he loves you."


Sid sighed sadly "I know it's hard...but as you said...he went through something life changing Joey...I dont think its clicking with you." Sid looked away "I never told anyone this but my cousin went through destroys someone Joey.. she was never the same after it...your boyfriend has gone through it...dont forget it's not just the action...its living with it forever." Sid stopped feeling himself getting more and more upset "my cousin tried to kill herself because of what a man did to her...multiple times and you're acting as if it's a huge inconvenience to told everyone...and now it seems like you're mocking him for it." Sid let out a shaky breath "when you mock him. You're not just insulting him. You're insulting my cousin and therefore me."

"Sid! I didnt know I'm sorry...I never thought about it like that. I was so focused on myself. I want to know more you know. I asked him but he refused to tell me.."

"That's because you hurt his trust." Sid said "you want him to be honest? You go round and make sure hes okay if you knows he been drinking." Sid sighed "treat him a bit like a kid..not patronising but like talk to him to make him understand not to just tell him off. If you go round and yell at him for drinking, he'll go drink more. Ask him why he was drinking. And hes more likely to tell you why. Because hasnt it clicked with you Joey, hasn't it clicked that maybe he was drinking to block something out. Because, like my cousin, when his brain starts screaming at him, it's more important to drown it out than an event the next day."

"Sid...I never....shit."

"You're not a bad boyfriend Joey." Sid reassured

"I'm not?"

"You wouldn't know." Sid nodded "but be grateful for what you got before he isnt around anymore."

Joey looked at sid before getting up "sid I love you!"

Sid smiled "love you too Joey."

"I've got to see him!!"

"Good luck." Sid nodded as Joey ran out the house

"Good luck." sid said again to himself as he closed the door.

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