Chapter 28:

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"What the fuck?" Corey roared


"You had it this whole time?"

"Corey I-"

"Awnser the fucking question Joey?"

"What you have to understand is-"

"Yes or no!?"

"I-yes...Im- i didnt mean to corey! Sweetie, im- I'm sorry..."

"Joey what the fuck?!" Corey yelled and it was loud

"Why are you so mad?" Joey asked

"Do you know how much this book means to me Joey?!"


"Literally everything! Its everything about me! My thoughts! My feelings! My life! Joey! You asshole!" Corey explained

"I'm not!"

"Joey you read it! You invaded my privacy! What the fuck?!"

"Im-" joey flinched as corey walked over to him, holding his hands up as if corey would strike him

"What? Treating me like the bad guy now?" Corey yelled

"Please dont hit me!" Joey shouted

"When have I ever fucking hit you!" Corey screamed

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry doesnt fucking cut it!" Corey yelled "you've fucked up! You fuck! Fuck you!"


"No Joey!" Corey said looking at the notebook "you've fucking ruined everything." corey sighed

"Its not my fault you dropped it!" Joey said defensively

Corey's eyes snapped back at him "what? You're blaming me!" Corey raised his voice "you fucking read it! You're the one who made fucking notes on it Joey! Look at it!" Corey yelled opening it "fucking look at it! I said look at it Joey!"

Joey looked up slowly

"Look at it! Its fucking destroyed! Look at the fucking coffee stains! What did you do to it?"

"I may have dropped some yes..."

"And the folds and tears?"

"I kicked it.."

"Kicked it?" Corey asked "kicked it?!"

"I'm sorry!" Joey screamed

"Shut the fuck up!" Corey yelled throwing the notebook as it hit Joey in the face "you've had it all this time and not once! Once! Did you think about giving it back!?"

"Ow! You were being an asshole! I tried to give it back, but you and your weird touching thing made it hard."

"Werid fucking touching thing?" corey snapped "you're the one that's read it! You know why I'm like that! You know what he fucking did!"

"Who? What? Theres nothing in there."

"Fuck!" corey cursed "dont fucking lie! Hes in there. Jason's in there. The guy that ruined my fucking life, the guy I looked to as my best friend stabbing me in the back and you know why he did because you read it. My deepest darkest secret Joey! I didnt want you to know at least not yet. But guess what you fucking read it and now, now you know, I'm a dirty whore, and how i dont deserve to live and how I'll never get over the fact I was raped or the fact my mom wishes I was dead and I wish it to and everyone hates me!" Corey started to scratch his arm hard, as joey couldnt do anything.

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