Chapter 13:

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Joey sighed as he sat on micks couch a bottle in his hand.

Everyone seemed to be having a good time and that made him happy, his friends where good people...He only wished corey was here too.

Shawn brought in the pizzas smiling happily as he placed them down, as sid, craig, Chris and paul were in a pretty competitive Mario kart race where Craig was indeed winning. And Joey couldn't help but laugh at Sid's attempts to win.

Joey saw mick come in with the drinks.

Jim looked at Joey from across the room before he got up and came and sat next to him. "You alright joey?" Jim asked

"I'm fine." Joey said looking away from him.

Jim raised an eyebrow "you're not though are you?"


"Come on this is micks house. You usually love micks house." Jim said "last time you got so drunk you tried to skinny dip." Jim said offering a small smile.

"So?" Joey snapped

"Mick doesnt have a pool..."

"Oh fuck he doesnt does he?" Joey gasped feeling slightly mortified as he felt his face going red. He didn't even remember it, everyone just told him about it.

"You had a lot better time last time we did this then you're having now." Jim said

"I wish corey was here." Joey shrugged simply "I know you don't like him but it's what I wish."

"Oh." Jim said blinking for a few seconds " uh...are you two a thing or?"

Joey shook his head as he took a sip of the beer bottle.

"I wish we were...I mean fuck. I dont think he does. I mean it's a little stupid crush. Like its nothing more. But I like him." joey shrugged "I sound like an idiot."

"So is he actually gay or have you fallen for someone straight again?" Jim asked in a way which came from a place of a concern rather than mocking.

"No hes gay." Joey nodded

Shawn clocked the conversation looking over at Joey and Jim"he's not gay Joey?" Shawn raised an eyebrow

"Yes he is!" Joey argued

"He was flirting with a girl outside a class yesterday. Was kind of standing in front of her with his hand on the wall. I mean I don't think he likes dude but Way too fluid to be gay Joey."

"Hes gay!"

"Hes not!" Shawn argued.

"I literally watched him fuck a guy!" Joey yelled

Craig paused their game as everyone turned around and looked at Joey with wide eyes.

"Hes gay!?" Chris asked his mouth open with shock.

"Yes!" Joey said "it was at Samantha's party, and he burst into the bedroom so I hid in the bathroom and it was him and this guy. I'm telling you no straight man even fucks another guy like that."

Sid face palmed shaking his head as Joey glared at him.

"Wow." Jim said wided eyed "damn..."

"That's intense." Mick commented

Shawn raised an eyebrow "but did he tell you hes gay?"

"He did." Joey said looking away

"He told you he wasnt straight. Not that hes gay." Sid said slowly

"Not straight equates to gay sid!" Joey said

"Joey...fuck sake...please dont tell me you him..." shawn said

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