Chapter 6:

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"Are you okay?" She said gently "I have some hot coffee just for you."

"No, I'm not." Corey sighed into himself trying to not break down, fuck man, he had to hold it together he couldn't show weakness this pathetic.

She sighed sitting on his bed next to him "come here."

"No, I'm fine honestly. Im just, I lost my notebook." He looked down "you know the one."

"Oh." She said "do you know how you could get it back?"

Corey shook his head "someone's taken it, that's, Oh God they are gonna think I'm some sort of freak aren't they?"

"What's in it?" She asked curious as she never did know.

"Lyrics. Really dumb lyrics." Corey sighed "it's all the emotion about everything coming out. And someone has taken it."

She frowned "I'm sure nobody will think that."

"This is public high school, I'm already being targeted. I dont want to go back." Corey sighed in frustration.

"Who's targeting you?" She asked angrily "you know I will get involved-"

"Gram it's okay! Its Eight of these guys." Corey sighed "I was with one after school, thats why I was late home."

"What are they like?"

"They keep staring at me all the time. It makes me feel so, so angry, you know? I'm like what do you want? I think they might actually beat me up, especially if I'm rude to the little one."

"Dont be rude to the little one." She suggested

"I know. Hes kind of nice, his parents are divorced too so like I get it, hes also got a cool music taste."

"Why don't you just be his friend? wouldn't it be easier?"

Corey shook his head "no." He sighed "I cant, every friend I have ever had has fucked me over."

"Josh and Shawn where nice." She said gently

"Yeah! sure whatever!" Corey snapped "so nice they fucking left me!"

"They just-"

Corey shook his head "no dont go excusing them. They were assholes!"

She sighed.

"The only reason I met them anyway was because you kicked me out." He said angrily

"Corey, darling, you know I had to." She sighed "I hate the fact I did. But you couldn't have kept smashing up my house. I gave you warnings. But you didn't listen. I didn't want to but it wasn't fair on me."

Corey shrugged as he lit up a cigarette.

"I know." He eventually said

"I love you." She said "and I had to do it."

He looked at her.

"I understand a lot more now than I did then." She said as she took a cigarette out the pack.

Corey smiled softly "yeah. I appreciate it."

"Consider befriending the little one. Youd be surprised when true friends come into your life Corey. I met my best friend at your age god rest her soul."

Corey sighed "fine."

"Okay well, I'm going to leave you for a bit, but dinner will be ready soon hunny."

"Okay." Corey said as his grandma left the room.

He layed back taking a drag, maybe he should try with the short Joey kid, but at the same time trust got him no where. Trust got him girlfriends that promised him everything and left him after three months, trust got him friends that stole from him and threw him in a dumpster, friends got him- he sighed at the painful memory.

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