Chapter 2:

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Joey sighed as he left his last class and began to walk out on his own. Stretching from being seated for so long.

Jesus biology dragged on for so long. He couldn't give a flying fuck about mitochondria. He didn't want to be a biologist or a vet so why should he care?

He looked behind his shoulder to see Samantha talking to a boy in their class. Nathan? If he was correct.

He felt conflicted.

He needed to stop, sitting in that class with samantha had been the worse since she just kept flirting with him and he just flirted back as if he were straight.

The problem was, he knew he was only attracted to men. He had tried to hook up with a girl before and it did not go well.

But at the same time, if he dated her everyone would stop the fag accusation only he knew not really.

He was an idiot.

He walked out the building and saw the bus before his vision blurred and before he knew it he hit face down on the concentrate.

"Ouch." He groaned as he heard laughter and he knew his chin was going to be scraped up.

"Hows it going Josephine?" The guy laughed

Henry, was his name, a tall (which wasnt hard when your Joey's height), rugby player with stupid blonde hair.

"Oh shut up!" Joey said standing up

Henry pushed him over again, Joey felt his knee scrape on the ground. "Fuck!" He hissed as he looked up, feeling light headed as kids jeered and cheered.

The new kid walked passed him, with a small grin on his face, laughing.

That made Joey angry if he was honest, even more angry than Henry and his goons.

It took a fucked up person to take shit out on others, but usually they had something going on at home. But to laugh at someone else's pain was truly evil if you asked Joey.

Joey stood up again, this time being allowed and walked, or more like limped off, he kind of wanted to fight the new kid, but had no idea which way he walked and knew that due to his height, it was not worth it.

Joey sighed as Sid came up to him "you okay?"

Joey sighed "Henry."

"Dude let Shawn and Mick take care of it." Sid said "it would be much easier."

"No, because as soon as they jump to my defense." Joey said wincing from his injuries "it will just get worse for me."

Sid sighed and shrugged "I guess so."

Joey walked onto the bus with Sid and sighed as they sat down near the back.

"Is something else bothering you?" Sid asked

"The new kid found it oh so funny how they were pushing me around." Joey half snapped.

"Well can we at least let Shawn beat him up." Sid said "hes come to this school thinking he owns the place. No one else would get involved."

Joey laughed "as great as it would be to watch him be pushed around, I dont think we want him shooting up the school."

Sid snorted "you actually think he would?" He asked suddenly serious.

Joey shrugged "maybe. He looks like it."

Sid looked out the window "got any plans for tonight?"

"Yeah sorry dude. My mom has a date." Joey sighed

"Oh. That sucks because I just got the new transformer film on dvd, and I wanted to know if you wanted to watch it."

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