Chapter 23:

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They had been dating officially for five months. Five whole months.

Five long months really.

And Joey had got no action.

He didnt understand the point of dating if they werent going to have sex and Joey knew the bullshit Corey layed on him but he wanted to fuck.

Corey had defienlty let his guard down around Joey and allowed Joey to touch him more unfortunately not in the way joey would have liked as much,but he was still weird about it. It annoyed joey at times but Joey knew it came with the package. Of course they'd done other things, but Joey wanted to have sex. Seriously what was the point? It annoyed him.

Corey also went through a lot of mood swings. Dramatic and harsh but Joey had also had to deal with it.

Corey had stayed round Joey's a few times but Joey had found it that corey would never sleep. Hed just sit up all night on his own when Joey would drop off and he refused to tell joey why.

And school was it's own hell.

Mick, jim and paul where the only ones that talked to him.

Shawn, and sid didnt look his way, Chris had tried to socialize with Joey but the glares he got for trying meant he kind of stuck with sid and shawn and stopped trying. But fuck those guys!

Dont get him wrong they all still hung out together. But mick, jim and paul werent as afraid of shawn as chris was. Afterall Chris and shawn had previously has some pretty bad arguments and it never seemed to end well for chris, so chris had pretty much always taken Shawn's side since the last argument. It was easier. Especially for shits and giggles the group locked chris out of Micks house and let him get bitten to shit by mosquitoes before he was officially allowed to join the group.

Craig never spoke anyway, but Joey missed just being around him.

He wished sid would come and make it up with him but sid hadn't even spoken to him once.

He was glad he had corey though. Corey was intresting and different and he was so fucking smart sometimes it made Joey feel really fucking dumb.

And the more corey relaxed around him the more sure Joey was that his body wouldnt go missing if corey just so happened to discover he had the notebook that resided in joeys bag. But he was sure it would be fine. It was just a book.

But that was a problem.

The notebook.

That damned notebook.

It had been probely over six months since he found it. And defienlty started reading it. And he had not given it back.

He had gone back in to anyalsize everything in it. Writing down in his own little notepad what it could mean. Now he knew corey it wasnt hard to take guesses. But it was so fucking insane to Joey. Especially as someone who didn't keep any sort of diary.

In fact Joey had gotten pretty obsessed with it. Certain things stuck out. And the drawings were his favourite to anayalse as he has no idea what they could mean but it looked like they meant so much.

One of his favourites was the one of corey leaning on his hand, the lack of pupils suggests death on the inside, and the word slut Joey assumed alluded to the fact corey fucked around a lot.

The one he couldnt figure anything out on was the one of the guy.

It was so blurry, clearly whoever corey had drawn ment something but Joey couldnt even begin to let alone guess as to what.

Maybe it was Corey's dad?

Joey smiled as he wrote it down on his notepad.

There was a knock at the door.

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