Chapter 4:

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Joey looked over at the Corey kid, he looked dead and that honeslty scared Joey, the Corey kid always did have a dead look about him, so fed up, but who at high school wasnt?

The Corey kid was so nervous when he came into class, and he was late too, he kept looking around on the floor for something and had put his head on the desk when he couldn't see it as to shield himself from something. Joey could tell he got no sleep and the kid looked distraught, as if he had lost something great to him.

And Joey knew what, as Joey watched him almost look like he was going to cry, as the notebook sat in Joey's bag.

He chewed his lip. Maybe Sid was right? Maybe he should hand it back. But it was interesting and he wasn't so sure he wanted to.

The bell rang.

Joey watched the Corey kid leave class getting out of his chair last as he went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

He immediately regretted it though...

"What the fuck?!" The kid turned around aggressively .

Joey blinked and looked up at him. "I...uh...i."

The corey kids eyes had gone wide, he almost looked frightened himself but also incredibly angry. Joey had no idea how to approach it.

"What the fuck?" He yelled again his fingers going to where Joey had tapped him as he looked disgusted. Looking Joey up and down.

Joey looked around for the teacher, but she had left a little too quickly.


"Uh, uh, uh." Corey mocked "touch me again and I'll rip you apart!"

"Jesus okay." Joey said rolling his eyes, pretending he didn't care.

The two fell into silence

"What do you want then?" Corey snapped

Joey knew he may get beaten up for practically stealing this kids note book and was kind of scared to give it back. He hadn't exactly finished it anyway.

"Hey, you looked kind of down in class, I know we aren't friends, but are you okay?" Joey said looking away

Corey looked at him "uh. what's it to you?"

"Whatever forget I said anything." Joey rolled his eyes "I was just trying to be nice geez."

"Sorry." Corey sighed

Joey blinked up at him "you're sorry?"

Corey shrugged "I guess."

"Well what's wrong then?" Joey asked

"Look, I lost something important and I have no clue where it's gone and-"

"Oh." Joey said "that must suck." He felt like he had been punched in the stomach, but he felt too nervous to give it back with no one to protect him from being the next body with a freshly fucked wound.

The Corey kid pulled on the beanie that sat on his curls "yeah, I really need it back especially before someone reads it."

Joey felt even worse.

"Oh why?"

"Its got a lot of personal stuff in it." He shrugged

"How personal?" Joey asked

"Extremely." Corey said looking at Joey

"Oh.." Joey felt sick. "I'll help you find it after school."

"You will?" Corey asked his eyes looked hopeful

"Yeah." Joey smiled weakly

"Even though I've been what did you call me? An asshole?" Corey asked

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