Chapter 18

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They had been dating for a week. Corey seemed apprehensive about a lot of things. But Joey didnt mind..he knew what his mind was like. Expect Corey didn't know that Joey knew...

Corey looked at a magazine on Joey's bed "this is cool." He commented

"Who's article are you?" Joey asked, wiping his makeup off in the mirror, black eyeliner never wanted to come off.

"Henry Rollins." Corey said.

Joey just nodded.

"I think he's really cool! I wanna be just like him when I'm older." Corey said.

"Why?" Joey commented

Corey sighed "he's badass dude!"

Joey laughed "so are you."

Corey smiled "it meant a lot when you gave me those records." He looked up "like thank you!"

"Ah well. I'm glad." Joey smiled

Corey smiled as he went back to the magazine flipping the pages.

Joey sighed as Corey wasnt giving him the attention he kinda wanted. Joey looked at him and then looked away.

"I want a hug!" Joey proclaimed.

"Come here then." Corey rolled his eyes as he made room for Joey.

Joey walked up and hugged him before joining him on the floor. Corey kissed his head before going back to the article.

"So? What were your relationships like before me?" Joey mused.

Corey raised an eyebrow a little confused "why do you wanna know?"

"I'm just curious." Joey shrugged

"Well, you know how it is. Girlfriends come and girlfriends go." Corey shrugged not wanting to think about his most recent ex, the one that caused him so much pain and a shitty trip to the hospital.

"Tell me about them." Joey said

Corey sighed "I dont really know about them Joey. I'd flirt. They'd flirt. Wed sleep together for a couple weeks and then wed split." Corey looked down "it is what it is. I didn't mind to much because sex is sex but there was no real love."

"Oh.." Joey said

Corey rolled his eyes "I was desperate for what I thought was love what can I say?" He chuckled sadly

"Why?" Joey asked

Corey looked Joey in the eye "because I wasnt....I've never been loved like...."

"Oh." Joey said looking at how sad he looked

"But hey it's okay-"

"What about your mother?" Joey asked Scanning Corey's face

Corey bit his lip "that's complicated."

Joey just nodded as he layed his head on Corey's leg "why?"

"Shes her I'm me its... well, she cares more about relationships and parties than other things. Shes not a bad person but its complicated. I've hated her at times and loved her. It's hard."

Joey just nodded "my relationship with my mother is quite complicated."

Corey looked at him plainly.

"She doesnt approve of a lot of what i do. It makes me quite sad if I'm honest since well it's me. Shes Christian and doesnt approve of me wearing makeup it can suck sometimes."

Corey stroked his hair "I'm sorry."


The phone began to ring.

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