Chapter 30:

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Joey slowly went over, the blood making him feel sick. He looked at corey hoping it was a prank. You can buy fake blood right?

He slowly crouched down and held Corey's head smiling in relief.

There was no bullet hole.

He shook him slightly.

No response

If corey hadnt shot himself? Then where was the blood coming from? And why wasn't he responsive



Joey looked down and gasped.

He had found out where the blood was coming from.


"What?!" Corey's grandma asked walking over.

"I..uh..oh my god..I know where the blood is coming from! It's bad...its really an ambulance!"

"I dont think I can quite afford it." She said sadly

"Fuck! Can you drive?"

She nodded quickly "I can! We'll put him in the back and take him."

Joey nodded as he looked at Corey's face before another thing caught his eye.

He reached for his slowly.."fuck!"

"What?" Coreys grandma asked coming back through with the keys.

"Fuck!" Joey said tears welling in his eyes as he held up the bottle


Joey started to sob as he held onto corey, blood on his hands and clothes as he held corey tight.

"Please dont. Please dont be dead. I love you! I love you corey! Please! You cant."

"Let's get him in the car." She sniffed as they carried him in.

Once in the car Corey's grandma started to drive. Fast.

Joey was in the back holding onto Corey, stroking his hair as he did not stir. He wanted to cry looking at wounds he knew where his fault. As he held corey close.

"I promise I'll never hurt you again corey. I didnt deserve my actions..I'm sorry."

Corey's grandma looked at him in the mirror. She wondered if corey would forgive him. Though corey wasnt one for forgiveness.

She pulled up into the hospital as she went in to get a doctor.

"Promise me." Joey cried "I'll see you soon...alive love. Alive." Joey sighed as he planted a kiss on coreys cheek.


"Well." The doctor said

Joey went wide eyed "what?! Well what?"

"Hes going to be okay but you're lucky. He woulnt have if you had left it any longer."

Coreys grandma nodded "that's good to hear."

Doctor shrugged "yeah. They are pumping his stomach right now. And hes going to need some stitches. I'll fetch the bill once it's done."

She nodded as the doctor walked off.

She sat next to Joey.

"Dont blame yourself dear."

Joey wiped his eyes "he wouldnt have done this if it weren't for me. I'm disgusting!"

"You know that's not true."

"It really is." Joey sobbed "I'm just this asshole. And I've come into his life to fuck him over..I'm not better than that guy-"

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