Authors notes:

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So. that's the end of eyeless.

Wow, thank god in my opinion. I hated this book tbh. It was clunky, it was all over the place. It wasnt planned.

As everyone knows I use writing as a coping mechanism. And I usually write more so for corey and his third person perspective because it's easier as I feel like I relate to him.

But I wanted to spice things up. so this was written from Joey's third person perspective.

By third person perspective I mean who is followed more.

You see I only planned too where corey found out about Joey reading his notebook.

But there was emotion poured into the book, like chapter 38 was based off an argument with myself. I dont know how to describe it but I was feeling heavily suicidal at the time of writing and all but didnt want to do it. I'm feeling lots better now though.

But then again I didnt feel it like any spark with this one.

But thank you so much for reading. It means the world to me and if you enjoyed it I'm really glad.

I don't know joey as a person but he comes across to me as a gossiper, a bit of a hypocrite at times but still tries to be a good person. It's hard to explain but I feel like hed be more immature in a situation, in a bitchy way rather than aggression. I can't describe it. But I do like him heh.

I started it on the 20th of july, and finished it in 3rd of September.

I'm hope you all enjoyed and thank you for the support through out this book, for all the votes, reads and comments espeically in a short time, it means a lot espeically because I try hard for this book, and I poured a lot in so honestly thank you all for being so kind and interactive.

I also just wanted to thank yall for keeping respectful, and not criticising anything espeically spelling.

Now disclaimers:

This book was written with no malice to anyone. Espeically joey and corey. I appreciate they are married, and I think they are adorable with their wives. It was written for fun.

Not everything is true to Corey's life or Joey's life though parts are taken from interviews books or songs or my experiences or for plot.

A lot of the detail I talked about when dwevelling into coreys trauma are more than likely not true, he hasnt gone into much detail from what I've seen so far, but please remain respectful because those where based off my experiences, and I was using this book kind of as a coping mechanism lmao.

Again the age may not be correct for certain things. Any names ie Jason, comes from him book. But as also stated, I tried to respectfully base a lot of it off their persons and what was true to them without trying to romanticize anything. Also I recommend reading the seven deadly sins and watching the therapist if you wanna hear Corey talk about his actual experiences.

I apolgies for Corey being a weaker character, i didnt like it and had no clue where I was going.

And if anything triggered you, or you are going through anything you need to talk about, Please, please please dm me on here and I'll try be here for you or google your countries hot line.

But uh thanks for reading. :)

I started a new book called inhale about Joey and corey and I like it so far so if you check it out, that would mean so much to me.

Your author

Gee xox

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