Chapter 24:

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Corey opened the door. "Oh hey."

"You seem down?" Joey said looking him up and down, he was wearing pyjama pants and a large motorhead shirt. Joey hadn't seen him in a short shirt before and it was certainly strange. Even after all these months corey had always wore long sleeves.

Corey shook his head "I'm not. I'm just tired."

"Do you like the outfit?" Joey asked twirling with a giggle.

Corey chuckled "if you're asking for more attention I think you look great." Corey said as he pressed his lips against Joey's as Joey melted into him.

It didnt last as long as Joey would have liked.

"Come in." Corey said

Joey walked in slowly.

"The makeup looks good." Corey said tapping on the sides

"Thanks." Joey smiled

Corey looked around "I'm not trying to be rude. But is there something you needed? Or-"

"I just wanted to see you...and my mothers driving me mad."

Corey nodded getting out to cigarette "what did she do?"

"She came up to me and oh my god it's always nathan, always nathan." Joey said taking the cigarette and lighter off Corey as Corey rolled his eyes.

"I forget that's your real name." Corey said

"Honeslty same. It's like do I look like a nathan at all? No. No I do not." Joey rolled his eyes "and she had this whole thing about how I needed to make up with sid."

"Thats because you do." Corey said "you need to go up to him and sort it out."

"Why?" Joey said "I dont need him."

"What are you talking about?" Corey said "of course you do."

"Corey you didnt do friends for ages. You're fine."

Corey blinked at him "fine? I'm not fine! How the hell am I fine? Look at me Joey! Do I look fine to you? And that's different."

"I dont see how."

"I'm not explaining. But you need sid. Sid is your best friend. He means a lot to you. Who else are you going to bitch to? Who else are you going to have fun with? I get busy too. You need your friends. All of them. Yes even shawn but espeically sid!"

Joey huffed "I'll be fine."

"How come you havent made up? I thought you said you would."

"He hasn't come up to me."

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe hes waiting for you to apologise?"

"Yes but why would I apologise for you being my boyfriend? For me being happy?" Joey asked

"Not for that but for whatever you said in the argument."

"I cant even remember." Joey said

Corey shook his head "please try."

Joey sighed "fine!"

"Sorry about your mom though."

"It gets worse!"


"Yeah! she starts going off at me and she was asking me if I was with you, with I mean yeah but shes homophobic so I wasnt going to tell her that and now I'm not allowed to close my door when you're round." Joey huffed

"Oh." Corey said plainly "well I mean it's not that big of a deal about the doors. But yeah homophobia sucks."


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