Chapter 25:

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Joey saw a woman walk into the room, she looked about middle age, maybe older, with a few grey hairs showing, she had a long skirt and bright red lipstick.

"Hello?" She asked as she made eye contact. "Oh who's this? Corey?"

Corey cursed under his breath as he stood up.

"Hi." Corey smiled quickly

"Corey, who's this?" She asked again

"Gram, this is Uh boyfriend." Corey said quietly.

She smiled "joey! Nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you, you look so lovely, oh-are you staying for dinner? I was going to Just do pasta but is that too informal? Oh and do you have any dietary requirements?"

"Gram calm down. Pasta is fine. Right joey?" Corey chuckled.

Joey nodded feeling a bit awkward and not knowing what to do with himself.

"Okay." She smiled as she wondered into the kitchen "you've been alright since I was at work?" She asked

Corey sighed "I've been fine. I slept." Corey shrugged.

She walked back in and picked up the cigarette pack "that's good." She nodded "wish youd sleep easier though. You used be out like a light as a baby."

"Yeah well, when your a baby it's a lot easier to sleep." Corey rolled his eyes.

She sighed "that is true. But you know what I mean."

Joey just sat there awkwardly.

"So Joey. I'm loving the makeup." She smiled and Joey could tell she really meant it.

"Oh. Thank you!" Joey grinned touching his face

"My grandson has told me a lot about you."

"All good things I hope!" Joey said looking at corey

She laughed "of course. But you better be treating him right." She said

"Gram!" Corey said quickly, shooting her a look.

"What?!" She said holding her hands up to mock innocence.

Joey giggled "of course."

She smiled as she looked at corey "see, hes not judging."

Corey rolled his eyes as he got up and poured himself a glass of water.

"Anyway how long have you too been at it?" She asked

Corey choked on his drink "what?"

Joey went red and looked away.

"What?" His grandma looked at him confused

"Gram! Going at it is not longer a term for dating!" Corey shook his head, his face bright red.

"Oh...oh! Is it not? Oh I'm sorry. Setting a terrible example of myself I'm so sorry." She laughed "I meant how long have you been dating?"

"Five months." Joey smiled

"And I'm only now just meeting you. Corey, why have i just been introduced?"

"I dont know." Corey shrugged "but you've met him now. So it's all good."

"You're welcome round any time dear." She smiled

"Thanks!" Joey grinned

"Anyway I got to go start on dinner. But please relax." She nodded getting up and walking to the kitchen

"You alright?" Joey asked looking at corey. He looked agitated

Corey took a deep breath. "I'm fine...I'm fine."

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