Chapter 8:

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It had been a week, and Corey and Joey had actually got to know each other pretty well. Or well decently well. Or more like Corey had gotten to know Joey very well but Joey was always an open book.

There was just a small problem.

A little minuscule thing.

Joey hadnt given back Corey's notebook. And he still was undecided whether he should or not.

There were pros and cons to giving it back or not. He didn't fancy being beaten up. But he knew as a friend he should. It was a conundrum.

Corey had sadly sighed after they looked through lost property, but assumed the janitors may have thrown it away and had given up on trying to find it. He had been really out of it for a few days until he just decided to steal a new book from school. It wasn't as pretty as the other one. But it was free and worked for the time being.

But in reality it sat in Joey's bag and Joey knew that.

He had found somethings about Corey during their lunch conversations and had reported back to his friends.

He was born right in Des Moines where they were now, but moved around and to Waterloo for a good few years, yet stated he hated it there. Joey had family there, but couldn't complain about the place.

He also refused to tell him what school he came from before.

He liked horror films. So did Joey but him and his friends hoped it wasnt because he had plans to be like some of the characters. But Joey also knew that was ridiculous.

He lives with his grandma, so he could go to school.

Since he said he moved around a lot, Paul, made a theory that he could be wanted in the states he had left. Joey wasnt so sure. It started to seem as if they were all being a tad bit dramatic about him.

Corey said he liked star wars, Tim burton and doctor who along side his awesome music taste. And spiderman was his favourite hero.

He was also a big smoker, of both tobacco and weed. Apparently he was allergic to weed though.

Sid was also trying to look into whether he was a psychopath or an alien breed. Considering how low his patience is especially with physical contact. But Joey knew they were just having fun with the drama. The idea of someone weirder than them.

He knew he should give the notebook back before their apparent friendship went further.

But Joey was still afraid of him.

Joey saw Corey in the hallway leaning against the wall. He walked up to him when he felt someone pratically jump on his shoulders.

"Oh my God." He screetched. Corey looked over with a raised eyebrow.

Samantha laughed from behind him "hey."

"Hi." Joey smiled.

If there was on thing Joey was good at, it wasnt coming forward with things.

Like Coreys notebook

Or the fact he was, yes, a raging homosexual.

"I was wondering if you wanted to meet up after school?" she smiled

Joey sighed, it was time he told her. Fuck...

"Uh...why not?" He smiled

She kissed his cheek as Joey frowned, he didnt really want to lead her on like this.

She looked at him as the smiled up at her.

"Ill meet you by the gate. See you later." She said walking off.

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