Chapter 36:

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Joey awoke to Corey sitting on his floor.

He was flicking through a magazine.

He looked like he had been crying.

"Corey?" Joey yawned sleepily

Corey looked up "hey.."

"Are you alright?"

"Just some stupid dream." Corey nodded

"Talk to me." Joey said

Corey shook his head "you dont wanna know Joey."

"I do."

"Not really."

"Was it about, you know..."

Corey sighed but nodded knowing what Joey was alluding to

"Oh wow."

Corey looked at him

"Not wow. Sorry, I ment. Like wow as in that must be horrible. I couldn't imagine how much it must hurt you to think about and stuff... I dont know I'm not good with this stuff."

Corey went back to the magazine

"So what happened in the dream?"joey asked

Corey looked back at him "you're quite insensitive."

"You're the one who put it out in the open." Joey said

"Why do you want to know about it so much? It happened, nothing can change it. It is what it is. I'm not happy about it but well it's in the past."

Joey sighed "I'm just curious. I want to know everything about you. Every darkness, every light."

Corey raised an eyebrow "as soon as I tell you, you'll run and tell someone."

"No! No I wont! I've learnt my lesson. I'd never do it. I wouldnt."

Corey shook his head "I'm not telling you Joey. It's none of your business."

" said it was your-"

"Joey! I'm just going to leave if you keep pressing me! I dont want to talk about it. You know the basics of it anyone. Best friend, basement, pain. That's all you need to know. Why do you need to know any more than that?"

Joey shrugged "because I can know what to avoid. I can avoid hurting you if I know what happened. If I know every trigger, every damage I can know what not to do."

Corey rolled his eyes "I'm not comfortable sharing that information."

Joey huffed

"Anyway." corey said "it doesnt change our relationship."

"It kinda does." Joey sighed

"It really doesn't Joey." Corey said "because I'm still the same person as I was before you knew...just slightly hurt with you."

Joey looked at him "what page you on?"

"Metallica." corey mumbled turning the page

"Cool." Joey said laying back in bed "god, I dont care what my mom says. Hand my a cigarette."

"Last time I did you ran off."

"You dont control me." Joey snapped

"Chill. I was messing." Corey said giving joey a cigarette and lighter


"Oh my god what?" Corey asked "what's annoyed you so much?"

"Just I feel so left out the loop."

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