Chapter 14:

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Joey saw corey walking away from the coffee shop. The beanie recognisable from a mile away.

He knew he fucked it....

He quickly jogged after him.


Corey turned around sadly before laying eyes on Joey.

"Oh hey." He said

"Sorry I'm so late. I over slept and I have a hangover and Oh my god sid was practically on me."

Corey raised an eyebrow

"I was at micks last night. Man you should have come. It would have been so much better with you there."

"How much did you drink?"

"Quite a lot actually. But I was dared too." Joey said

Corey just shook his head

"Can we please go get a coffee now? Look I was late so on me. On me." Joey offered

Corey thought for a second for smiling slightly "alright."

Him and Joey walked back to the shop and Corey held the door open for him.

Corey didnt say anything until their coffees were placed on the table.

"I really am sorry."

"I'm not mad." Corey shrugged "I'm not."

"Oh thank god." Joey sighed

"Thanks for actually coming though." Corey said "I really thought you where gonna bail."

"You're welcome anyway I would never bail on you." Joey said as he watched Corey sip his coffee. "Anyway, you told me youd tell me a bit more about yourself." Joey smiled

Corey rolled his eyes "I'm aware thank you."

"But i want to know more of you too! Like please don't think it's about the sexuality thing?" Joey said

"Why do you wanna know so bad?"

"I don't know..." Joey admitted "but I just like quick fire your opinions on things?"

"What?" Corey raised an eyebrow not understanding

"'re favourite colour?" Joey said "what's your favourite colour?"

"I'm not doing this Joey."

"Oh please!"

Corey sighed "black."

"Do you skateboard?"

Corey chuckled shaking his head "I can yes."

"Okay...cats or dogs?" Joey asked


"I'm more of a cat person but you knew that." Joey said "Batman or Spider-Man?"

"Obviously Spider-Man."

"Your sexuality?"

"Straight." Corey said

"What?" Joey scanned his face looking confused

"I'm kidding." Corey laughed "Your face oh my god... I'm Bi Joey, bisexual."

Joey wanted to smack himself in the face right there and then for not clocking.

"You're bi?"

Corey Gave him a weird look "yeah."

"I forgot that was a thing. Sorry I've never met someone who swings both ways."

"Really?" Corey chuckled

"Well sids gay, and Jim's gay and I'm gay so I kind of discredited it."

"Uh thanks?" Corey shook his head

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