Chapter 32:

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Joey sighed as he knocked at the door.

He looked over at Shawn's truck, where the other guys were.

Two weeks

Two whole weeks.

Two fucking weeks since he had last seen him.

The door slowly opened and there he was.


Joey felt so bad inside.

"What?" He said grumpily, his voice hoarse as if he had been screaming for hours on end.


He shut the door.

Joey blinked at the wooden door before knocking again.

It was ignored at first before eventually opening again.

He looked worse.

His hair was greasy and tangled. His stubble stuck out longer than Joey had ever seen, the bags under his now red teary eyes looked like bruises. He looks slightly dirty and defienlty dead behind those grey eyes. A grey Joey hadnt seen before. And it didnt sit right as Joey's eyes travelled to his long sleeved misfits shirt, crinkled and grungy, and the sweatpants that just screamed not a care. He looked like he was void of any emotion despite the sadness he possessed. Joey had really killed him. Left him for dead.

"Go away!" He growled

"No." Joey said simply

"Excuse me?!" He snapped

"I've come to see you we need to talk!"

"Talk about what? Theres nothing I have to say to you. Theres nothing I want from you."

"You said youd forgive me."

"Only so my grandma wouldnt bug me. I want abousltly nothing to do with you. Leave!" He yelled

"No!" Joey yelled back "you are going to listen to me!"

He raised an eyebrow "listen to what lies you have to say? I dont think so."

"I did one bad thing! One!"

"It wasnt just one. Was it Joey?"


"Exaclty what I thought. Goodbye joey!"

The door went to shut again put Joey put his foot in between it.

"No! We need to talk!" Joey said "please!"


"If you fucked up I'd let you at least explain yourself. You haven't really given me a chance."

He sighed "fine. You have five minutes."

Joey walked into Corey's living room as he sat down on the sofa.

"What do you think your doing?"

"Getting comfortable."

"Kitchen." Corey said

Joey nodded as he got up and sat at the kitchen table putting his hands together awkwardly.

Corey lit up a cigarette

"May I?"

Corey rolled his eyes but chucked Joey the pack and lighter


Corey nodded

Joey lit it up as he sighed " need to know. I am actually sorry!"

"Yeah Joey. You're sorry. Sorry you got caught out."

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