Chapter 20:

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They came across a small house. It had one floor but was fairly long as opposed to tall. The trees crowded round it and the house was made of wood with a green chair and table on the patio where there was roofing that covered it. An ash tray sat on the table. It was quite out the way and it looked nice.

Like most houses of course, the wood was no surprise however, it was made where it left with the wooden finish as oppose to a plaster one.

Joey took in the surroundings, as corey unlocked the door.

"Its not much...espeically compared to yours. But its home." He said shyly.

Joey smiled as he walked in. The house was messy but in an enduring way that made it feel lived in as opposed to a museum.

"Its nice." Joey smiled nodding

Corey turned and raised a eyebrow "thanks?"

He lit up a smoke and walked into the kitchen touching things on the counter as Corey turned to look at Joey.

He looked awkward and out of place which made Corey chuckle as that's how he felt at joeys. Joey was playing with his hands and still had his heavy backpack on.

"You can put your bag down." Corey said, the cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Oh...oh yeah!" Joey laughed nervously

"What's in it anyway? It seems like you've got a lot in there." Corey mumbled

"School books." Joey nodded "lots of extra credit. You know."

"Seems a lot." Corey laughed

Joey shrugged before Corey flicked on the coffee machine "want one?"

Joey made his way over to him. "Yes please. I need coffee!"

Corey nodded as he went to grab the cigarette box on the side.

"May I?" Joey asked

Corey nodded and passed him one.

"Come here." Corey mumbled as he lit the cigarettes.

Joey tried to remember how he did it the time before as he took a drag and managed to not choke.

Corey just laughed as he went to light his


Joey put his down on the ashtray.

Corey raised an eyebrow looking between Joey and the just lit cig.

Joey smiled as he quickly wrapped his arms around Corey's neck and pressed his lips against coreys.

Corey looked a bit taken back at first before sinking into it which Joey was grateful for. Placing his hand on the back of joeys head and making it more intense, more greedy for lust.

The two stayed like that for a while until corey pulled away

"Uhh..okay?" He shook his head "bit random." He laughed "though I appreciate it."

"You're my boyfriend." Joey said "we havent got to do much."

"What do you mean by much?" Corey asked

"Well we dont really kiss....and we havent exactly had sex." Joey whispered in the last part.

Corey thought for a moment before kissing Joey again, deepening it straight away, the dominance turning Joey on, as he was left flustered as Corey bit down on his lip before pulling away and then clearing his throat. Corey raised an eyebrow as he thought "let me ask you this. Would you rather kiss, or snog?"

"What?" Joey asked confused (as always)

"I asked what I asked. Kiss or snog."


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