Chapter 15:

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Joey studied it. It wasnt bad. It was the best of the lot. He sighed, it wasnt the best thing to look at. Especially before going to a party. But Everytime he didnt look at him it drew him back in. The lyrics were interesting, the poems sad but the drawings, they were angry.

He stroked the drawing, it was clearly Corey. No doubt about it.

He almost wanted to hug the book.

The drawing was simple. Corey, no pupils, a cross over this throat. Joey tried not to become emotional but the words 'I wanna be dead' made his heart sink and hit heavy.

Every drawing got darker though. The portrait of him with three eyes, words like 'idiot, fat, selfish and fag.

Wrong, fuck face, cunt and liar. Manipulator, bully and wrong.

Miserable prick, dirty, whore.'

Joey bit his lip. He hated the fact corey viewed himself in the light.

He looked at the drawing of a male body with the words fat and slut written all over it.

He knew corey fucked, he had seen it but he didnt know corey viewed himself like that for doing it. He shouldn't do. It wasn't right.

At the end of the day it was his choice right? So hes not a slut at least in Joey's eyes, after all, if he was he would have slept with half the year and well he knew corey hadnt. But if he was, that was his fault for fucking so much Joey had concluded.

He saw the arm again and skipped it, seeing more crossed out necks and eyes and lips. It saddened Joey. Whatever it was it was not directly in here that was eating him up alive.

He stroked this drawing of corey with swirls as pupils and the word dirt written above it. It looked sad.

He was  swiftly pulled out his thoughts as his mom called him as he jumped and shoved the book under his bed as he ran down stairs his chains hitting his legs.

"Corey's here." She nodded

"Hey." Corey smiled, he stood at the door with his ripped Jean's and a band shirt that seemed to be almost too faded to be recognised. A stupid oversized jacket was on his frame. He looked adorable in Joey's option

"Hi." Joey nodded trying not to blush at the site of him. Knowing he was losing his touch but also knowing corey was not exactly straight.

"You ready?" Corey nodded

Joey nodded.

"See you later Ms.J." Corey nodded

"Bye boys see you later." She waved as they left Joey's house and walked down a couple blocks.

"Man I hope it's good." Corey laughed

"Yeah me too. Nothing sucks more ass than a boring party." Joey sighed

Corey chuckled "wow you're not wrong."

Joey shivered. It was colder than he expected and a coat would have ruined his aesthetic

"Are you okay?" Corey asked looking at him.

"Cold." Joey said

He heard a chuckle as he felt something drape over his shoulders.


"My jacket." Corey said

"What why?" Joey blushed

"You're cold."

"But what about you?"

Corey shrugged "it doesnt matter."

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