Chapter 7:

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Corey sat at the table he decided to call his as nobody else sat with him. He liked being on his own. He hated thinking, but alone he was safe.

He hadnt enough money for lunch as he sighed and doodled on some work.

He winced in pain from the night before, but he felt so shit. He looked around at the popular kids who were looking at him, and put his head down, they had probably read it. There was so many references to his shit life, that he didn't want anyone to know. If they did they'd find him weak he knew that.

He looked to see the guys Joey usually sat with, Joey hadnt arrived yet but they were staring at him.

He flipped them off. He didn't know what else to do. Every day they kept staring. He should be used to it. He knew that but...still.

Mick turned to sid "are you sure we should let him?" Mick looked back at corey who was still flipping him off "he could kill him."

"I feel bad labelling him a killer." Jim said

"Why?" Paul asked "look when Joeys body appears in a ditch, it's not you who is going to be laughing Jim."

"You're being over dramatic." Jim said rolling his eyes "hes just a guy."

"I dont know, I think he may be into satanic rituals, me and Joey looked through his book last night, very disturbing." sid said

"Jesus." Chris said "isn't it?"

Craig nodded.

"Leave them to it." Shawn said taking a bite to eat.

"What?" Paul asked

"I'm kind of interested to see where it'll go." He smiled.

Corey sighed as he tried to focus, but couldn't when a tray made it's way onto his table.

He saw the tray full as Joey sat down with his own.

Corey blinked up at him.

"Is it okay if I keep you company?" Joey smiled.

"Uh.." Corey wanted to snap but his grandmas advice floated round his head as he took a deep breath "sure."


Corey looked at him "why have you got two?"

"Ones for you silly." Joey chuckled


"Well, you didnt have anything when I looked over so I brought you something." Joey said

"Oh...Thanks." Corey smiled

"How come you never buy anything?" Joey asked

Corey played with his sleeve out of nervousness which caught Joey's eye. Joey used to do that too.

"Uh, I honeslty cant afford it right now..." Corey sighed


"My grandma is hitting a rough patch, and I dont have a job, and so i dont ask for money." He looked away "I dont starve, but the food is overpriced as it is and lets be honest not good."

"my family is quite well off; if you ever need something to eat, let me at least buy you lunch."

Corey flushed red and shrugged "I'll be fine." He hated when people made him feel poor. He knew he was, but it being rubbed in his face. Patronized. He hated it.

"Oh...well you know the offer stands anytime."

Corey smiled softly "thanks."

Joey smiled "so, tell me more about yourself?"

"Why?" Corey raised an eyebrow

"Oh." Joey looked away "I just thought we could be friends or something..."

"I guess that would be nice." Corey said gently.

"Really?" Joey blinked at him

Corey just nodded

"Oh awesome! So-"

"Are your friends gonna be okay with that?" Corey asked immediately.

"Yeah." Joey said

"Are you sure?" Corey asked "I have a feeling they hate me, and I don't want your friends to hate you because of me."

"They would never." Joey said

Corey rolled his eyes, joey had not been reassuring, they hated them, but why the hell was Joey hanging out with him. He was rude wasnt he? He didnt want friends? Did joey know something?

"Have you friends taken it?" Corey asked looking back over at them. They had stopped staring but still

Joey went bright red but corey didnt notice as Joey tried to calm down "no. They would have told me." He lied

"Oh, okay." Corey said playing with the food Joey gave him.

"Corey honeslty I wouldnt worry about it. It's just a notebook, no one is going to take it and read too deep into it."

Corey raised an eyebrow "do you know where we are?" Corey asked

"I do." Joey said "but they hate me here, and they have never done that to me."

"They hate me here too." Corey shook his head

"Oh come on, who hates you?"

"Your friends, those girls, the Rugby playing jock."

"Oh Henry!?" Joey asked

"I assume so." Corey shrugged "pushed me into the lockers this morning, hurt like a bitch."

"I'm sorry." Joey said putting his out to stroke Corey's hand, this is what sid and Joey usually did to show comfort.

Corey pulled his hand away "what the fuck are you doing?!" He snapped as he felt Joey's hand touch his


"What did I say last time?" Corey said angrily

"I thought that wouldn't stand anymore." Joey said going red

"Well it does! Keep your freakishly small hands to yourself." Corey snapped

"S-sorry...." Joey said

"Whatever." Corey said before looking at him. Joey looked a little startled from his outburst and he felt slightly bad  considering joey had put in effort for him. "Why are your hands so freakishly small?"

Joey looked up, he looked a little offended for a second before smiling "oh my God! Dont bully me."

"Im not! They are just minuscule."

Joey shook his head "at least they are proportionate."

"They are literal baby hands." Corey chuckled

"Well, I'm good at music so maybe the smaller your hands are the better you are."

"Are you now?" Corey asked "what do you play?"

"I play guitar and the thing I guess that gives me purpose, drums."

"Oh wow really?" Corey asked highly interested

Joey smiled at that as he nodded "I've been playing for years!"

"Oh that's so cool dude." Corey said "I play them too, not the best, and I dont have a kit right now but I used to do pretty well."

"Ah, a man of class."

Corey shook his head laughing

"Are you going to finish it by the way?" Joey asked looking at his lunch tray "not to sound like that but the food here is disgusting cold."

"I'm full." Corey said looking away

He hadnt touched anything and Joey didnt know whether to take offence or not.

"I wanna go to the field for a smoke, wanna come?"

Joey looked at his friends who where looking at him again.

"Sure." Joey smiled getting up and walking off with him.

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