Chapter 35:

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Joey heard his mom answer the door.

He poked his head up, his room dark and the house quite.

He heard his mom laugh and say something back.

Who knocks on the door at this time of night?

Joey guessed jim might have come back but Joey couldnt think what he left in Jim's car for that to be a possibility.

He heard footsteps coming to his door and rolled over pretending to be asleep.

He heard it open.

"Nathan?" She asked "nathan you asleep?"

Joey turned round, rubbing his eye "mom?" He said trying to sound sleepy

"One of your friends came to see you."

Joey sat up as corey waved at him.

"Make yourself at home dear." She said to corey before shutting the door.

"What? How did you get in?" Joey asked as soon as he heard her go back to bed

"I told her I needed somewhere to crash so I didnt drink and drive and she let me in." Corey shrugged

"Oh." Joey said putting his back on the pillow

"I've come to see you."


" left?"


"Where did you go?" Corey asked

"Here, obviously."

"Why?" Corey asked

"Ugh, I feel Ill okay? Leave me alone."

Corey blinked at him "what did I do? You sound really mad at me."

"I'm not. Go away now." Joey huffed

"Are you sure?" Corey asked

"Corey just shut up!"

"I'm sorry for whatever I did Joey. I really am." Corey said "I can leave if you like."

Joey sighed "no. It's fine."

Corey looked at him "joey..."

Joey sat up "I'm not in the mood for anything. Okay? I'm pissed at myself. Leave it."

"What happened?" Corey asked

"I cant tell you." Joey snapped

"I think you owe it to me." Corey resorted

"Oh yeah why?"


Joey sighed. Corey was right, he did owe it to him.

"You'll hate me."

"Just tell me..."

"You looked so happy with, happy, more happy than when you're with me." Joey said sadly trying not to cry


"No corey! You're happier without me. I was thinking, on the way home, you dont actually tell me you love me back. You just say likewise. you dont love me. And you're happier without me. You're eyes they lit up there, they dont with me around..all I've done is hurt you. Just leave me alone."

Joey didnt hear anything until he felt his bed dip slightly.

Corey still didnt say anything thought.


"Joey...I'm sorry you feel that way. You made me really happy. I know...I know its rough now. I know I'm not helping but...before everything you made me so happy."

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