Chapter 27:

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There was a knock on the door as Joey flung himself down the stairs

"Hey!" He breathed

"Hi." Corey smiled, a duffel bag on his shoulder

Joey quickly pulled him into a hug. Smiling into Corey's neck, inhaling his scent.

"I've been looking forward to this all week." Joey smiled

Corey laughed "so have I if I'm honest."

"My mom left a while ago." Joey nodded "so we have the whole place to ourselves."

"That's cool." Corey smiled

"So shall we?" Joey laughed

"I mean i just go here." Corey raised an eyebrow


"Well maybe we could have a drink first and relax." Corey said

"Oh okay." Joey nodded "we got some drinks in the basement if you wanna go down there?"

Corey suddenly looked a bit off. "Uh, how about we avoid the basement?"

"You okay?" Joey asked

Corey nodded "yeah."

Joey went into the kitchen "I'm assume coffee?"

"You know me." Corey chuckled "I also got those cigarettes you asked for."


"Got you a lighter too."

"Thank you." Joey smiled

Corey balanced on his heels whistling "joey, can I, well can I ask you something?"


"Okay please dont judge me, its just recently, I feel like something bad is going to happen you know. I dont know what, I dont know when I just have this overwhelming feeling that something will. Have you been having any feelings?"

Joey shook his head as he handed corey his coffee "I havent actually."

"Oh okay!" Corey sighed "good! I thought I might hurt you or something. And honeslty I'd hate too do that."

"Aww." Joey smiled "I'd hate to hurt you too."

Joey slowly connected his lips to Corey's as they melted into the kiss.

Corey broke it as he slowly connected his mouth to Joey's neck.


He could feel corey smile as he reconnected his mouth to Joey's neck.

"What about your coffee?" Joey painted

"Who cares?" Corey smiled kissing Joey's lips again as the two headed upstairs only breaking to remove their shirts.

Eventually they made it to Joey's bedroom as they fell on the bed together, hands exploring bodies and the feeling of lust screaming in a pitch no one hears but everyone feels.


Joey snuggled up into corey, as they finished.


Corey chuckled as he lit up a cigarette

"I'm honestly quite tired now."

Corey sighed "I think it's too soon to tell you this. And correct me if you think wrong...but I think...well. i think i love you Joey."

Joey went bright red "what?"

"I think i do." Corey nodded going red himself "but you know-"

"I think I do too." Joey said pressing his lips gently against Corey's.

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