Chapter 5:

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Joey saw corey waiting outside as he took a deep nervous breath. He had to do this.

"Hey." He said as he walked over to him trying to speak as casually as he could.

"Hi." Corey smiled. "you actually came."

"Of course. I said I'd come help you, so here I am." Joey said

"Thanks." Corey said.

Joey felt so bad. He knew he was gonna keep it and they wouldn't find it.

"Right, so I was thinking once everyone flocked out we could go back to the classrooms." Joey said in a matter of fact way.

"Yeah, that's what my plan was." Corey said adjusting his bag strap.

Joey looked up at him, Corey was quite short too actually, only a few inches taller, and had these incredible blue eyes, but Joey couldn't describe them, they had a gray overcast and that was something that made Joey feel ten times more guilty.

The two headed in, and went to the first class.

"It has to be around here somewhere." Corey said throwing his bag down and getting down on his knees to look under the tables.

Joey did the same, trying to look as innocent as he could.

"I cant see it." Corey said "dammit!" He said slamming his fist on the floor.

"I'm sure itll be here somewhere." Joey said sympathetically.

Corey made some inaudible noise.

"A-are you okay?" Joey asked looking at him weirdly.

"No! What if someone has taken it? What if someone is showing their friends right as we are on our fucking knees searching for it?" Corey snapped

Joey cringed, knowing he was the one that had taken it, and read it, an showed it to his friends, as he held his breath.

"I'm sure that hasn't happened." Joey said sympathetically.

"Here's hoping." Corey rolled his eyes.

They went into another classroom. Again nothing..

Same result with the next five.

Corey sighed shaking his head "someone's taken it. This is pointless."

"No, dont say that, I'm sure its here somewhere." Joey said

"Dont, someone's taken it, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He ranted.

"Well, is it the end of the world?" Joey asked "I mean would you get expelled?"

"I dont know, its private and personal stuff." Corey said "they may, or may not see me as a threat."

"And are you?" Joey asked a little too quickly

Corey actually looked quite offended "no."

Joey nodded "sorry."

"Yeah, whatever." Corey sighed

"I'm sure, if someone has happened to pick it up, the want to give it back." Joey said

"Why wouldn't they just give it back?" Corey asked clearly frustrated."fuck sake."

"You are quite unapproachable." Joey said shrugging.

Corey started smirking before he laughed shaking his head before standing up "let's just go."

"What about your diary?" Joey raised a lack of eyebrow.

"Its not a diary." Corey said "anyway someone's taken it, so its clearly not here."

"Oh. Okay."

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