Chapter 26:

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"Go on!" Corey said

Joey sighed as he slowly approached sid in the library the school day ending. Joey has been with corey for about six months at this point. That was half a year. And that was half a year without talking to sid Pretty much. Who knows how sid would take it.

"Uh...hey." joey said putting a hand on sids shoulder

"Get off me!" Sid said without looking up

Joey sighed as be sat round the other side of the table "you alright?"

Sid sighed loudly "and why do you want to know that Joey?"

"Because you're my best friend."

"Ex best friend If you remember."

Joey looked over at corey for help but he seemed to busy looking at all the shelves of books

"Sid no! Dont say that."

Sid looked up "why wouldnt I? You ended our friendship for a boy who just arrived."

Joey looked at him sadly "I'm sorry."

Sid shook his head "why would you do that? Anyway," sid looked back down at his book "it's been about six months. And you didnt apologise once."

"I well honestly thought you would..."

Sids eyes snapped up at him "you what?"

"Well I thought you would apologise first."

Sid looked pretty angry "and why the fuck would I?"


"No hold on Joey. You insulted me first! You're the one who yelled at me first! You're the one who told me to leave you I did?"

Joey blinked "oh i-uh..."

"Fuck off joey."

Joey sat there for a moment "no."

Sid raised an eyebrow

"I want to make it up to you sid. I want to be at least friends again if you now hate me that much. I'm sorry, I really am, and I was blinded to the way I was acting."

"I dont hurt pretty bad."

Joey sighed "I've never had anyone romantically interested in me before. I got way too caught up in feeling wanted than I guess I did when it came to appracting you more. I cant take it back but I'm honestly so sorry."

Sid looked at him "I know. I fully well know. But you were so out of order. I cant just be expected to forgive you when well, you didnt even want to say sorry in the first fact, was it you who wanted to come up to me? Or did your boyfriend tell you to? Huh?"

Joey looked away "I wanted to...he just installed the confidence in me."

"I see."

"You dont have to forgive me. But sid you're still in my eyes my best friend..I was wrong with how I acted and I'm honeslty so sorry! So so sorry from the bottom of my heart I mean it. I miss you so much!"

Sid sighed "I miss you too."

"So you forgive me?" Joey asked

Sid shook his head "not quite yet."


"I need time to Joey." Sid said "like I said you actually hurt me more than you may have thought you did. Okay? I cried because of you. So I cant just accept your apology right away you know? For myself...Its not right."

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