Chaper 29:

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The door opened slowly as Joey felt the rain harshly hit him. His hair complelty soaked.

Joey felt his heart beat speed up as Corey's grandma looked him up and down.

"He doesnt want to see you." She sighed

Joey sighed "I know he doesnt but i need to-"

"Come, let's talk." She said closing the door and urging him to sit by the outdoor table.

Joey sat down gently as she lit up a cigarette and gave him one before lighting her own.

"I've come to apologise." Joey said

She laughed "we talking about my grandson? Hes not going to accept it for a long time Joey."

Joey sighed "I have to try."

"What happened?" She asked suddenly serious "what did you do to him?"

Joey felt himself getting emotional "i-i well it all stared when we met, he was a dick! I mean I was no better but he was." Joey said

She raised an eyebrow similar to how corey would as Joey continued

"And hes always write in this notebook-"

She nodded

"And one day he dropped it. And I tried to give it back I did but he yelled at me when I tapped him. So I took it home and read it. He was an asshole I thought I could blackmail him to stop...I didnt think it would be quite so personal..."

"Joey, do you realise how serious this is? I'm not allowed to even touch it you know that right?" She said slowly

Joey's eyes widened "fuck! Well its uh full of lyrics and poems and thoughts and drawings...every depressing thing I read made me feel closer. I showed my friends at first because it was funny to me. But as soon as there was one about divorce...I related. I stopped showing them because I knew the pain of it and well i got a little too invested."

"I can see why hes upset."

"I never ment to hurt him. Never! I still, I think I still love him..but.."

She sighed "Corey's always been a little too overdramtic for his own good."

"You say that." Joey sighed "but I dont know."

"Joey trust me. I know him. And I know what hes like. The things he may have said to you, isnt necessarily true. He reminds me of his mother more and more."

Joey took a drag as he looked away "I, he told me somethings....things I didnt know."

She raised an eyebrow "what about?"

"Horrible stuff...I didnt know hed gone through a lot of that stuff..he never told me...I dont know why he felt he couldnt trust me with that."

She sighed, a hefty sigh. "I know what you're talking about."

"He told you?"

"Yeah. He, well he didnt really want to and it wasn't too long ago..not until after he first attempted to kill himself...and he promised he promised me hed never try again and then that kind of came out a couple days later."

"He thinks I knew. I honestly didnt have a clue!" Joey said "I, I dont know how to feel about it. It makes me fee ten times worse for my actions."

She sighed "you werent to know. You're a teenager Joey, hell even most adults my age would read something like that."

"You're not mad at me?" Joey asked

She shook her head "I'm not. I understand why you'd do it. I'm not stupid and I'm not inhumane. Hell the amount of times I've almost picked it up and read it myself. I'd be a hypocrite. The only reason to be honest Joey, I never did, was because I was scared of the fall out." She shook her head again "no, he, he trusts me a lot. I'm the only stable person he has had in his life. His words not mine. And well I cant hurt  him. Not like that."

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