Chapter 3:

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Joey walked into class with his head down, fuck that was an awful night. Owen was all about his macho machinations which Joey was not about. He started talking about golfing too like what the fuck was golf?

He walked in to see Sid wasnt there, fucking great! Probely inhaled bong water or something stupid, and the only space was next to that new kid...double fuck.

Though in some ways he was glad as he shook his head and took a deep breath. He could do this. He confidently took a seat next to the new kid.

He could tell the new kid was looking at him, he had gone quite extreme with his makeup and outfit today. He tried to hide his smirk as he looked at the front.

He gently side eyed the new kid to see him looking. Perfect!

Joey turned at the new kid "what?" He said fairly aggressively.

The new kid blinked "what's with all the makeup?" He asked pointing.

"Mind your business." Joey said

"Jeez okay." The kid said rolling his eyes.

"An asshole like you couldn't comprehend that dudes can wear makeup." Joey snapped

The kid raised his eyebrow "and why am I an asshole?"

"Why sort of question is that?" Joey asked "listen to yourself...Jesus."

"What because I told your weird friend to fuck off?" He snapped

Joey wanted to say he laughed at him, but didnt actually think that would help his credit "uh, yeah?"

The kid laughed "that's fucking pathetic." He went back to his notebook.

"You're pathetic." Joey resorted

The kid looked him in the eyes "do you want to fight?"

Joey looked wasn't meant to go that far. "no..."

"Keep your fucking mouth shut then." The kid said simply as if it were obvious.

Joey listened as he turned his head to his book, and didnt look up at all.

Maybe, just maybe he was terrified of this kid. But who wouldn't be?

He sighed as he doodled a stupid looking ghoul next to his dick with legs. Waiting for the class to be over. Maths was so dull.

The work was more algebra as he rolled his eyes and played with his pencil. Sid wasn't in and he was in an awful mood from the night before. Fucking Owen and asking why Joey didn't play sport?

He was just gonna skip at that point. He was too tired to care.

He was snapped out his thoughts when he heard the bell and the new kid basically ran out the class.

Joey rolled his eyes, he hated that new kid, fucking hell. He was overbearing, boisterous and just an asshole.

He looked down getting up seeing a note book on the floor.

That belonged to the new kid. He had seen him write in it!

He picked it up, looking around and biting his lip. He shouldn't taken it, he knew that as he quickly stuffed it into his bag and left the classroom too.

He quickly walked out back and round, leaving the school as he began walking home. Smiling from being away from that God awful place.

The sun was out as the autumn leaves fell, it looked really pretty out as he made his way home.

He was going to go to Sids, but he kind of wanted to look at what he had found and he knew Sid probably wouldn't be up.

Maybe he could just go to Sids after?

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