Chapter 22:

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"What's wrong?" Joey asked as he held corey close stroking his curls, it was a shock to see him like this and Joey was kind of nervous. Corey was strong and angry, he didn't cry, he never needed to, and Joey was unsure what to do.

Corey sighed "nothing."

Joey pulled away from the hug and wiped the tears on Corey's face as Corey looked away out of embarrassment.

"You've never cried in front of me before. Talk to me." Joey said softly.

Corey looked away as Joey held his face. Stroking he cheek.

"You can trust me."

Corey sighed "theres things Joey. Things I've been through in life. There are these things I would never want you to experience. Not even my worst enemies and they creep back into my head sometimes. Slowly infecting me to a point of toxic shock, and it kills me."

Joey blinked at him, trying to think of the notebook that lay in his bag and what corey may have been alluding to

"What things?" Joey finally asked unable to crack it.

Corey shook his head "I'm seriously not telling you Joey."

"Things are better out than in. We shouldn't lie to each other or hide things." Joey said gently

"You'll think I'm weak or stupid. No. Maybe one day Joey. Maybe one. But today is not the day I tell you."

Joey sighed as corey rested his head on Joey's shoulder. "I guess if you tell me eventually."

Corey sighed too "i hate crying. Its exhausting, sorry you had to deal with that."

Joey shook his head.

"You're my boyfriend. Of course I would. You don't need to apologise."

Corey smiled "you're my first boyfriend you know. I think you do but you've been better than pratically every girlfriend I've ever had." Corey sighed "that's the price you pay when you think the slightest bit of attention is love. Sometimes I think we kind of dated a little too quickly but at the same time all my relationships have been like that and let me tell you." He chuckled slightly "my grandma isnt going to be happy considering, she always says I rush into relationships too quickly and get my stupid dead heart broken."

Joey blinked at him "she knows you're gay?"

"Bi!" Corey said quickly "she knows I'm bi. Yes. And shes very excepting. Her sister was bi too."

"Oh. My mother let alone my grandmother would murder me if they found out."

"I'm sure your mother would be fine." Corey said gently.

Joey chuckled shaking his head "I have to disagree."

Corey frowned "well if she finds out you could share my room. I know you didnt see it last time. But you know."

"Can I ask a question?" Joey asked


"Sorry to be well horny but I know you have you're weird touching thing but do you ever think we'd have sex or?" He blushed looking away

"You're worse than me." Corey laughed

"Shut up!"

Corey smiled up at him "of course we will but if we do I'm telling you I'm giving you a lot of trust." Corey said

"Didnt you fuck another dude at a party?" Joey blurred out

"Uhh...yeah I did. Didn't have feelings for him idiot. I only have sex with people I'm into. I fuck people I'm not i told you this. I dont want to rush in because I...well i actually like you Joey and maybe it's because you look at me like I'm not a piece of shit or you've understood my struggles but I dont want to fuck you and be done with you because you're one of the first people I've genuinely liked in a long time."

"I'm honoured. I like you too corey, and it's not because you're the only guy that's ever shown interest in me and not been straight."

Corey chuckled "you have gay friends."

Joey blushed "heres something no one else knows. I had a crush on sid when he first came out because he was the only gay guy I knew. I confessed and he said we werent eachothers type and he wasnt going to risk our friendship if we were only going to date because of our sexuality."

"Really?" Corey looked at him raising his eyebrows

"Yeah." Joey said "I'm glad. I mean we havent made up yet but you know I know we will." Joey said

"Have you put in any effort?" Corey asked raising an eyebrow.

Joey shook his head "I hope he does forgive me though because hes still my best friend." Joey sighed "I mean I think he is.. I want him to be."

Corey nodded "he will."

Joey played with Corey's hair as corey sighed "you know. I'm sorry about my friends. I know I always am but I wish Theyd just give you a chance."

"Is there any reason they seem to think I'm a killer?" corey asked using air quotes around the word killer "that's the vibe I got. They seem to think I'm like Micheal Myers."

"Yeah uh...well basically...uh Some jock told us youd written disturbing things somewhere." Joey lord

"What?" Corey sat bolt upright "where?"

"I dont know. They said you wanted to fuck dead things." Joey cringed at himself

Corey blinked "who?!" He yelled "joey who?"

"I-I dont know. He didnt tell me he told shawn."

"Fuck! He has it! He has my notebook! Fuck!"

"Corey calm down!" Joey pleaded.

"No! Fuck! Hes had it this whole time. He knows things I dont want people to know. When I find whoever it was fuck I'm going to kill him!" Corey growled

Joey put a hand on his shoulder "dont. Dont do that."

"Joey hes telling people my secrets."

"It doesn't matter in the long run." Joey said "no one can trace it back to you."

"But they have!" Corey complained.

"Corey it wont matter when we leave." Joey said

Corey looked away with a sigh "yeah...I guess you're kinda right."

Joey nodded "and whatever you've written Itll never make me break up with you." Joey said softly. Knowing it was because he already knew but it wasn't the point.

Corey looked up at him "really?"

Joey nodded

Corey smiled "thank you."

"Dont thank me. I'm just saying."

Corey looked around Joey's room.

"You can stay over if you like."

"Oh joey I couldnt." Corey shook is head

"Itll be okay." Joey said

"You may think I'm a freak." Corey said

"So? It's not like I'm going to break up with you." Joey said "I literally just said that a minute ago."

Corey nodded "yeah okay. That sounds good."

Joey smiled as he lent in to kiss him, and he was very much happy when Corey returned it. He felt himself go red as he melted in slowly. It felt good, it felt romantic. And Joey was over the moon with how this time. Corey felt like he really truly ment it.

Not saying he hasn't the first time. Now joey would be a liar if he did. But sometimes hed shake and not seem so sure whenever Joey kissed him. But this time he felt the passion and really felt cared about.

He knew shawn was wrong and he couldnt imagine himself at this current point with anyone but his boyfriend because he had faith that his boyfriend wouldnt use him.

He felt Corey's hand on the back of his head as he melted into it.

And Joey was excited to when they finally took it further.

Corey broke away with a grin. "You mean a lot to me Joey."

"You mean a lot to me too."

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