Chapter 34:

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"Joey please, I dont want to go." Corey said

Joey brushed his hair "come on. Itll be fun."

"I dont know..."

"They are really nice guys corey." Joey said gently

"...I have a headache." Corey said softly

"Aww come on." Joey said "I'll be there. If you need to leave just tell me. Okay? But give them a chance."

"Joey...please...Its not for me. I know they are good guys but that doesnt mean I have to like them."

"You like paul dont you?" Joey asked "and jim?"

"They are alright but..." corey broke himself off

"Look, itll be okay, alright?"

"They read my notebook too Joey. They know things. Like I never wanted you to know them."

"But they dont know. Look what you told me during the argument, it's not in the book, okay? And they dont know because they didnt even see all of it. Only the first few pages."

Corey sighed "okay."

"I'll be there with you. Itll be fun okay? You'll have a good time and maybe even end up liking them. It's all going to be okay."

Corey nodded scratching at his arm. "Okay."

Joey kissed him on the side of his cheek "you can trust me. I never want to hurt you like that again. Okay?"

Corey smiled "I dont trust you fully yet Joey but...I believe you."

"I love you." Joey said

"Likewise." Corey nodded

Joey smiled as they left Corey's house.


Joey rolled his eyes as craig beat him yet again.

"How? How do you do it man?" Joey asked trying not to snap.

Craig smiled as he went to start up another lap

"Ah, I'm out." Joey said "sid want a go?"

Sid ran over and took the remote from Joey as Craig started up another game.

"Okay craig. This time I will beat you!" Sid said

Craig just shrugged.

Joey looked over to corey, who was in conversation with Chris and paul.

He looked fairly happy if Joey was honest.

He laughed as he lit up his cigarette and nodded at something paul had said.

Joey wondered to the Kitchen to see shawn and mick talking.

"Hey." He said

"Oh hi." Mick smiled "hows things going?"

"Corey looks pretty chill." Joey smiled

"I'm glad." Mick smiled

"What you guys doing out here?" Joey asked

"The usual, preparing food." Shawn said

Joey nodded

"Are you having a drink?" Mick asked as he picked up a bottle of jack

"Yes please." Joey said

"One for you, and is corey having one?"

"Uh, yeah." Joey smiled.

Mick poured them as Joey walked back into the living room.

"Heres your drink." Joey smiled

Corey raised an eyebrow "what is it?"

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