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Dabi P.O.V.

I’m currently waiting at home, for the two boys to arrive, after months I get to finally hold them, the door is kicked open and Raven walks through the door, with Compress holding all the luggage in convenient little marbles, she walks right up to me, and puts the baby in my hands, Kurogiri walks in with the other baby.

“I carried them for nine months, the next nine months are yours, I’m going into hibernation”

she disappears into her old room, and I just look at the fragile life in my arms, it both makes me happy and terrifies me.

Black cat hovers over the baby, he puts his right index finger over his forehead and activates his quirk, I look at him

He’s our new member his quirk is luck, he can give someone good luck with his right hand, and bad luck with his left, he dances towards the other baby and does the same.

“now they will never be unlucky a day in their lives, isn’t that cool?” he yips and goes to sit on the couch.

He joined us after he and Toga got together, I don’t want to know how it happened but he’s a perfect fit for our next job.

Rei P.O.V.

Dabi and I were like divorced parents with the kids, they would spend time with me and then spent time with him, we named them Killuhua and Natsu, I just came back from the studio, I’ll be passing by to take the boys from their dad.

I went back to my place after that, there is a new drug their looking to distribute, and I do not want to get dragged into this.

I look at my boys, they don’t cry so much at night. Either that or I sleep through it all I can’t be too sure.

I put them to sleep, and flop on the couch, the minute I relax the doorbell rings, I get up and open the door very angry.

Only to see a very amused Keigo.

“sorry, please come in” he smiles at me and walks in, I called him about getting back to work, so he came by to see the twins

“explain to me why you need that job, you’ve got a pretty sweet digs” I roll my eyes and wish for some wine, I missed getting drunk.

“join me and I might get drunk enough to tell the truth” he asks for something stronger, so I bring out a bottle of tequila, and we start taking turns drinking from the bottle.

Hawks P.O.V.

“so how can a girl like you afford a place like this” she passes me the bottle, and I take a swig, I mean I can hold my liquor, but if we keep going like this I might need to stay the night.

“a criminal bought it for me, I keep telling him to stay away, but he won’t go away, and what is a cop like you doing playing sensei anyway”

“so, you knew?” she nods and places her head on my lap, she looks up at me. “everyone in the states, knows about the special agent code named Hawks, it doesn’t take much to put two and two together”

“and the whole world has heard of the black raven” she stiffens and narrows her eyes at me. “how did you know?” I point to her hands. “the black raven wears a Ordin’s crow raven valknut charm with leather cords and Braided Bracelet with a handmade Viking runes amulet, on her right hand and the Viking jewellery Odin symbol raven leather bracelet on her left, they are one of a kind, and you are wearing those, you never take them off, and when you do you keep them where you can see them, or they stay on you at all times” she turns her face away, I tilt her head back to me. “you drunk enough to talk about it?”

She chuckles and winks, “it’s a part of my past I really wish to keep buried away, but if all it takes is just looking at my wrists to know than I guess I can’t hide it, I was bitter and angry back then, so much hate and anger pent up inside killing was how I was taught to release it, my father cared about money and power, he was obsessed, I was the key to it all, and the black Raven was exactly who he needed, so he got people who could manipulate my emotions, they made crave killing, they aroused my blood lust to the point where I couldn’t handle it, so I lashed out, became the brain washed killing machine my dad needed, the name suited the dark cloud that sheltered me, but I was never really gone, not completely anyway, that’s why I never take these off, they reminded me that I could still get away, put that life behind me, I got these from the two people who loved and sheltered me, it gives me hope, no matter how bloody and gruesome the battlefield, they never had a drop of blood on them, when I realised that, I had hope, and slowly started to let go of my ghost shell, just don’t go telling people, I doubt there are that many people who were so obsessed with me they would no minor details like that”

She takes the bottle out of my hands, and I take it out of her hands, I put it on the table using my quirk, I turn to look at her.

“don’t look at me like that, I’m too drunk to keep the perverted thoughts out of my head” she slurs.

“oh yeah?, let’s hear them” I use one of my feathers to tickle her. She starts laughing

“stop… I’m dying… I’m going to piss my pants” I laugh too, and she gets up and walks over to the bathroom, before she goes in she turns to me.

“hey cop, baby sit while I shower, will you” she doesn’t even give me a chance to decline, I get up and look around the house, I find the nursery, the twins have fiery blue eyes, I guess they get that from their dad because Rei has pitch black eyes.

Their so quiet, I pick them up and I think I saw them smile at me. I watched them till Rei came into the room.

“you know drunk showers are the best” her eyes are still red, she smells amazing.

We sit back on the couch, with her head on my lap.

“is the father Kai Chisaki?” she looks me in the eyes and laughs again. “no, I don’t know what gave you that idea though”

“a nurse at the hospital said so” she was pretty sure of herself too.

Her phone buzzes “hey cop, Chisaki is on his way, so I don’t know if you’re going to stay or leave”

I opt to leave; I can’t blow my cover. “I trust you won’t say anything right?”

“yeah, yeah, cop, I know the drill”

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