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Kai P.O.V.

We walk back stage and my heart is still racing what the fuck was that? Who are you Rei?

“Rei” she hums in response and stops to look at me, “why?” I don’t mean it in a bad way or anything, she gives me a Cheshire grin, “because I love you and I want all those fuckers to spread the word that Kai Chisaki is whipped and claimed by a total badass, but mostly it was to show you that I trust you and tell you that I choose you and want no one else”

It’s one thing to say it, it’s a whole other story to prove it. I’ve never had anyone go to such great lengths to prove that she’s proud to be mine the man swimming in a pool of darkness.

“Chisaki stop looking at me like that and kiss me”

I comply before she disappears I head back to my table and I immediately regret it everyone is asking about Rei, “I wish you were facing us then we could have gotten a better view man” the best rookie award winner Kamui states.

“you are one lucky man, you better not fuck up because I’ll be watching closely when you slip I’ll be there to take your place”

At least he said what everyone else was thinking now I know I can’t let her down not like I ever plan too

After 30 minutes Rei comes back in a different outfit. what the hell? it’s a black mini dress with a matching Dracula cape, but hers is smaller she still kept the mask on.

She walks up to and locks our arms together, “you didn’t think I was done with you did you?”

We spent the rest of the night talking outside just the two of us they always put the most important events at the late night hours so people wouldn’t leave before it’s over.

Rei P.O.V.

I was having fun just sitting with kai, sky gazing, talking about anything and everything, Kai accidentally revealing some very interesting secrets, his smile and laugh are such rare gifts and I got to see that tonight

I mean seriously, Chisaki laughing to tears. Who the fuck can say they’ve heard of that?

Then we were called back inside, considering the heroic killers are a group of drunk assassins and now we have to stand up on stage one by one and tell everyone our assassin names I have a bad feeling about the rest of the night, in the assassination core, people don’t tell each other their real names which is why we so publicly announce our assassin names, luckily our crew already had nicknames for each other so our drunk asses didn’t blurt out stupid shit

when it was my turn I announced my name as Negai, which means wish, I have decided to discard my past life I won’t ignore it and I won’t deny it’s catching up to me, but life can only fuck with you so many times until you free yourself and I will free myself.

I get off stage and walk over to Hawks he was late because of his babysitting gig, but left them with big sis, “Kei.. uh.. hawks what’s up?”

“oh, hey there dancer” he wiggles his brows at me and I just laugh, playfully punching his chest, “you look like yourself, what happened to wearing a costume?”

“yeah, I couldn’t find one in time plus I was late didn’t think anyone would notice”

I was about to make fun of him, but some overly caked up bimbo in a Cinderella dress knocked me over

Hawks caught me and I turn to whoever it is and she’s just glaring daggers at me I honestly want to avoid fights so I just played the frightened little girl card and hid behind hawks, “hawks is that your girlfriend? because if she is this is the part where you say it's not what it looks like”

“no, she’s not. My angel couldn’t make it today” angel? how cute is this guy.

“well someone better come get her before she kills me with her eyes”

I can’t find Chisaki.

Yeah no I am not doing the drama tonight, I walk away while I can going back outside to where I was sitting with Chisaki hopefully he’ll think to look for me here. Kurono comes out of the shadows and I just glare.

The woman who was glaring at me appears and Kurono automatically stood in front of me protectively, “Inko stay away from her” I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t want to get involved Cinderella is really late to the partybso I’m guessing she’s here to stir up trouble.

It’s rare to see Kurono shaken up, I wish for my phone behind my back I don’t know which of my speed dial contacts I dialled, but I hope it’s Kurogiri and not the drunkards.

I’ve slowly been sobering up so I’m glad about that my phone rings and it’s Kai, I quickly answer while Cinderella charges towards us I don’t know what her quirk is, but I know she can't use it at a distance or else she wouldn’t be running towards us.

So, I did the only logical thing a genius strategist would. Kick off the heels and run like hell I don’t know where I am going because everyone else is in the other direction, but Kurono can slow her down, no pun intended.

I turn and bump into something big and hard causing me to fall back pretty hard I sit up and I see a big guy with stone grey eyes, I look at him while trying to get up

panic and run if you freeze up you’ll die.

I turn and a tall lanky guy jumps in Infront of me, I jump back because he nearly crushed me this guy is like Dabi, but slightly taller he leans in till his face is just an inch apart from mine he pulls out a sword crap I wish for a shield and jump back only to be death gripped by the fat bimbo behind me.

Cinderella turns the corner, how did she beat Kurono? Crap I’m screwed and I can’t breathe this situation is making me anxious and I’ve been holding back the nausea since the fight club if these people don’t stop I might puke.

Scratch that I just did I don’t know what’s going on, but my healing quirk is all out of whack it just activated on its own again and when it does that anyone holding me gets affected.

The fat bimbo notices what my quirk is doing and puts me down and I can’t stop dry heaving, “fuck, stop” I cry to my body its seriously painful to vomit air.

I stand up straight and use the bimbo as a support pillar my quirk is still active, I steady my heart rate but it’s still working overtime.

I try my luck and play dumb walking behind the bimbo and acting like I know where I’m going after I turn the corner I run like hell only for the tall lanky guy to jump out of nowhere and try to step on me again I throw up again and the weird guy raises a brow at me.

he pulls out his sword. He lightly stabs my arms and my body starts feeling hot I can’t move a muscle while I’m being burnt from the inside

Kai appears behind lanky the look on his face he looks mortified, I don’t know what his quirk is but it hurts like hell I can feel my veins burst, my internal organs shattering, I can't speak or scream

The aching starts to recede and my body feels like it’s putting itself back together I was about to hit the floor, but the lanky guy catches me.

Who and what are these people? what’s their goal?

what is going on here?

they try to kill me than save me, Kai touches my face the lanky guy whispers in my ear and my legs give out.

Kai carries me to his car he’s so quiet and the look on his face is terrifying, “Kai” I’m not sure if he heard me and is pretending otherwise.

My body is no longer stiff and aching, I sit in a comfortable position and look out the window if he won't talk to me I’ll just talk to myself.

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