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Dabi P.O.V.

“hey dad are we going to mom’s studio, this is the same street as the studio” Natsu asks, I’ve never been to her studio before, so I sure as hell had no idea.

“no, were going to the antique store over there” I point to my mother’s shop, I send money every month so she can keep it open, it’s the only place I can see her and my siblings without my dad knowing.

I park in front of the shop, and we walk in, the boys scatter around looking everything over, my mom comes out of her work shop, when we went in her door bell rang, signalling a customer, she looks at me and her eyes widen, I haven’t come by as often in these past few months. And I’ve sort of been postponing this meeting.

“Touya?” I nod and she gives me a tight hug, I hug her back before I step back and smile at her.

“woah, Natsu look what I found”

Killuhua exclaims, before he hovers around at the back of the shop, its my old hoverboard, I used to call her silver surfer. Its one of the two gifts my dad ever got for me. I’m surprised out of an entire shop full of thing way cooler, he chose that.

“woah, these swords are so cool, Killuhua look, I can use my quirk with these swords” I stiffen for a moment, I completely forgot that from the moment these two could walk, they started training with their mother at the studio, Natsu is already better than the average swordsman, at the dual wielding technique.

I let it slip one time that my dad used to train me with swords, I just didn’t think they would be drawn to them like that.

They rush over to me. “dad, can we have these” they say at the same time. Killuhua flies around at top speed, leaving ice spirals in the air with his quirk, Natsu is just standing there with a serious look in his eyes, I know it means he won’t take no for an answer.

I look at them, despite their quirks, Natsu is the more cautious and analytical one, he’s always cool as a cucumber and can be cold if the mood strikes him, Killuhua is a ball of pent up energy, he’s the hot head that goes in guns blazing.

I turn to my mom and she looks shocked.

“hey mom, you might want to sit down for this” I scratch the back of my head, and my mom gives me the ‘you think?’ look.

I introduce her to the kids, and they get acquainted with her, since we walked in, Killuhua’s feet haven’t touched the ground, and Natsu has already strapped the swords onto his back, I don’t even remember seeing him do that.

Killuhua has been circling my mom over and over again, he seems very infatuated with her.

“you have eyes like mine, and hair like mine too” he spins around and smiles before he looks back at me

“does this mean she’s my real mom and I’m not related to Natsu, we just happen to look alike?” My mom chuckles and turns to me, do these guys even hear what their saying.

“please tell me we’re not related” Natsu says.

“sorry boys, but she’s my mom, not yours, and you two are related, you’re a matching set, you are stuck with each forever and ever”

I taunt them with the last part, and the boys stiffen at the thought of being stuck together for so long.

“hey mom where are the others, I thought they would be here?”

“what others?” the boys ask equally curious.

“well I have siblings too, I wanted them to meet you, call it a Todoroki family reunion or something” the boys look at me in awe, I think I saw stars in their eyes.

“they’ll be here very soon, what do you guys want to do in the mean time?”

“I was kind of hoping you could help Killuhua with his quirk, he sort of freezes everything he touches” my mom nods taking Killuhua to the back, I teach Natsu how to use his fire, and twin swords he’s holding.

They were specifically crafted for my quirk, so it’s kind of ironic that I threw them away and my son is the one who picks them up.

After an hour or two my siblings arrived one after the other, I introduced them to the kids, and spent hours there, just hanging.

I don’t exactly keep it a secret who my family is, in the league we just don’t ask about each other’s pasts.

So, when I told them the boys’ last name is Todoroki which is my name, they didn’t ask any questions, even if they put 2 and 2 together.

All we need to know is that we’ve got each other’s backs, and no member in the league is a disposable pawn.

Its 18:30 and I have to take the boys back home, I drive over to the house first since the boys said they wanted to walk home so they can spend a little more time together.

We cross the street and I put my hood over my head, Killuhua zooms past me freezing the air pressure with his hands, his feet still haven’t touched the ground, he sat on the board when we had dinner, and even went to the bathroom with it.

“hey, what the hell are you doing” Natsu scolds his brother, who’s freezing the sprinklers at the park, Killuhua just laughs hysterically as he freezes them again after his brother melts them, I sit at a bench, this might take a while, I’ve learned from  observing Raven that the best way to handle this is to just let them tire themselves out.

They keep going at it, now it’s a game they’re playing.

“hey, what are you two trouble makers doing”

oh shit, my dad.

BOOK ONE || Kai Chisaki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now