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Rei P.O.V.

I get another slam jam and look around for the cameras, I was about to steal another car but another black matted BMW X5 stops in front of me, I stiffen, and ready a gun, the window goes down and I lower my guard when I see it's the stranger, "get in" he orders.

I comply seeing as how I have nowhere to go. the bounty hunter is still looking for me somewhere, I take a deep breath and fall asleep my dreams taking me back to how I got into this mess in the first place.

A red truck is speeding straight towards us, the windows are tinted but I know that's the assassin.

"Calm down, all the trackers are out of your body"

Right, I forgot about that. I just recline the chair backwards to ease my own mind. The car drives past us and I fall asleep.

My quirk is wish, I can wish for anything I've touched or seen before.

My father used  me to get rich, never had a life of my own. All I want is a new life, just to be normal.

My father is a business man feared all around the globe, lowkey he's an assassins broker.

I'm a trained assassin too. I hated it, I wasn't cut out for it but I still needed to learn to defend myself.

I traveled the world learning various martial arts, it's the only thing my father let me do freely. I used to hate it at first but growing up I decided to have fun with it

Now all I can think of is fighting, I'm a skilled killer too but that's a life I want to leave behind.

But do I deserve it?

I doubt it.

All the people I killed, u wish they'd haunt me and get it over and done with because I can't sleep at night.

The guilt is killing me.

I wish I was more like my sister, she was flexible enough to adapt to the new life my father had built for us.

Me? I was never mentally prepared. I wanted to help people but instead I killed them.

I needed an entire country space away from my demons, too bad no one ever tells you that demons can fly.

The car swerves and my head hits the side of the car. "Dammit do you drive with a TV licence or something?"

"I think your bounty is on to us, how much are you worth anyway? Has to be a lot if he's this relentless"

I shrug my shoulders, my dad's a rich man, anything goes with a madman like him. Worst part I'm probably how he plans to pay for this bounty. Good thing he wants me back alive that should make his job hard.

I wish for a bomb and throw it out the window. When the car drives over it, I push the button and it explodes.

"Uhhh, excuse me, but having the police on my tail is not on my list sweetheart. Sit back and let me drive"

Sure asshole, drive us over a bridge if it'll make you happy, I've already accepted death even though part of me wants to live.

We drive past the police station and my heart stops. "I thought you were a hero, the hell you driving past the police station for?"

"Hero? I'm just not a villain didn't say I was an angel, now put on the seatbelt would you"

"No way, I have to be ready to jump at a moments notice"

"Trust me"

"Trust you? I don't even know you"

"I'm the best chance you've got sweetheart, so buckle up. This is going to be one hell of a ride"

He steps on it and I weigh my options. I trusted him before, I can trust him again I guess.

I buckle up and keep my cool.

A car hits us as we pass a 4 way road. "Still worried about the police?"

"Right now? Not so much. Got a plan?"

"Yeah, get the police on our trail, kill the guy and tell our own version of the story"

"Cute, but shit like that doesn't work around here. This isn't a movie. Since you don't have a plan take the wheel"

Just like that he let's go of the wheel and the car spirals out of control. "What are you? Sick in the head?"

I sit on his lap and he groans, "this is not the time for you to go reverse cowgirl on a guy"

"This is not the time for you to be thinking with your pants"

"Head straight and don't make a turn no matter what"

I nod and adjust my position on his lap. I drive straight a head. There is a dead end up ahead.

"Uhhh" he covers my mouth with his hand. "Straight ahead sweetheart"


He's insane. I'll take my chances with the assassin. He holds my hand steady on the starring wheel.

What's with this guy? He knew what I was going to do before I did. "Who betrayed your trust?"

"Bold of you to assume I ever trusted anyone, quit acting like a psycho, are you blind?"

"Fucking trust me dammit, at this point I'll kill you myself"

Huh? I turn around and he's serious. Are you for real?

"I thought I could trust you"

"Are you serious right now? This is not the time for this. Shut up and do what I say if you want to live"

The instructions were to step on it and close your eyes. Guess what your girl did.

I opened my eyes, holy crap we drove over a cliff. I've done worse so I'm not worried but still. Who jumps without sharing the plan.

I close my eyes in the last second. This is a fucking dream.

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