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Rei P.O.V.

After Keigo leaves I stop by the nursery, the boys are out like a log, I double check if the door is locked and sleep on the couch.

I hear an annoying sound ringing in my sleep, the more I focus on the sound, the more I come back to the land of the living, I open my eyes and my head is killing me, I check the time its 01:43, I fully wake up, and I hear banging on my door, and the boys are crying.

I ignore the door and go straight for the boys.

“hey there buddies, calm down”

I do my best to comfort them, but than there’s a large bang coming from my front door, someone broke it down from what I can here, I quickly lock myself into the nursery, thanks to Spinner and Twice, they added a panic room and an armoury in here, I put the kids in the panic room, there’s another way to it, but they cant get in from in here, I move the giant painting from the wall, behind it there is a safe, I open it, and take out the shot gun, and ammo.

I wear the gas mask, and press a button that will release a poisonous gas in every room except the panic room, I wish for a few grenades, I open the door and walk out, I pull the pin off of one of the grenades, and roll it down the stairs.

I’m pretty close to the police, so whoever this is must be pretty desperate, all I have to do is just beat the clock, but I don’t know what these people’s quirks are. The smoke starts to clear.

This is bad, my whole plan hitched on the gas knocking these people out, I throw another grenade down, and run downstairs, from the basement I can use the secret passage way to the panic room.

There are 3 people on the floor still shuffling around, but my attacks got them.

Suddenly I’m being choked, and my body slams on the floor pretty hard.

I gasp for air and throw my mask off. I look and I see the nurse that helped me deliver the twins.

‘what the fuck is going on’

I try to move but my body is paralysed, the rope was covered in a substance that paralysis the body.

I start healing myself, but the toxin spread too fast, it might take a while.

It’s been 30 minutes, and my body is almost done getting the toxin out, thanks to her assuming I can’t speak, I couldn’t tell her where the kids are, and she’s looked over every inch of this house 3 times, she made a call 10 minutes ago, I see the person she called walking in, his quirk is werewolf.

Shit their going to sniff them out, you can’t fool a dog’s nose. I start trying to move my limbs… just 5 more minutes.

Please, that’s all I need.

He’s going up the stairs, my heartbeat rises, I’m trying as hard as I can to move, but my body won’t budge, I just need a kick, a flick anything, just as long as its movement.

I feel a toe wiggle... Or not I don’t know anymore.


I internally scream, I feel my knee spas, I know I didn’t imagine that.

Then I hear crying, I didn’t imagine that too, I still can’t move my body the way I want to, but I’m glad I can move my legs, my tongue isn’t numb anymore, and I can feel my spine.

I watch the nurse carrying them both, they stopped crying.

She looks at me and then back to the kids, the werewolf stands next to her, she whispers something to him and then looks at me.

“does Chisaki love these kids?” she asks and I just furrow my brows.

“why would he?, they’re not his” her eyes widen and she looks to the werewolf, he turns human again.

“she’s not lying, I was closely paying attention to her heartbeat” the guy tells her.

She looks back at me, I don’t know who she’s more pissed with, me for being right, or herself for being wrong.

“regardless, it’s pretty obvious he cares about them, kill her. He’ll love me for saving these two sweethearts”

she smiles and kisses them; it just makes me sick. She walks past me and I see Killuhua falling asleep, I’ve got to hand it to the girl, those nursing skills of hers are working in her favour, she walks out the door, during this whole conversation, my body had completely recovered.

I just needed her out of the way so it wouldn’t be two against one.

The wolf launches at me, he pulls me up and grabs me by my throat, I can tell he doesn’t want to kill me, his grip isn’t even tight at all, I wish for a wolfsbane syringe, and stab him on the shoulder, he stumbles back, and I wish for the antidote, I put it in his hand and mutter a thank you, before running to the garage, I open it and pick the fastest car, I see her drive away, I get in the car, and drive after her, I don’t know this place like she does, but I know where she’s going, it’s where Dabi and the others are doing their drop off.

how did I go from not getting involved to car chasing psycho’s in the street.

I take a short cut Spinner mentioned, I’ll meet her there, and I’m going to kill this bitch, that I can promise!

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