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Rei P.O.V.

Today is the twins fifth birthday, Toga and Compress are planning a little get together, I’m driving over to my old place from the mall, I spent the morning with Keigo, who insisted on bringing along some kids from the martial arts studio to celebrate.

Though today there’s a question I need to ask Dabi, about Killuhua, his hair is white with black spots, I know the black spots mean he inherited a bit of my quirk, I’m just not sure which one yet.

Natsu has black her like mine, everything else they look like their dad.

I open the door, and the boys walk ahead of me, I don’t know why, but they love twice and Kurogiri the most, okay Kurogiri I can understand, but twice not so much.

“what’s on your mind little Raven”

I turn around and he’s wearing the jacket I gave him when we first met, I’m still not sure what we are, but from all the time we’ve spent together in the past few months, I’ve caught feelings.

I don’t know what to do.

“hey Dabi, why is Killuhua’s hair white?”

“because my mom’s hair is white, her quirk is ice, so I guess he inherited that from my genes”

“dad” Killuhua tugs at his pants, that’s the first time any of them have used the word. I think it killed Dabi though. The expression on his face is unreadable. I think he stopped breathing. “dad,” he says again, and I die

Dabi’s face is making such a weird expression, its comedy gold.

He picks him up, Killuhua laid a kiss on his forehead, “how cute is that” big sis says.

We sing them happy birthday, when it’s time to blow out the candles, Killuhua froze the cake with his breath the fire goes out and the twins celebrate, the rest of us are either impressed, or upset about the cake.

“hey, hey, kid. What the heck was that, defrost the cake” Shigaraki complains sitting up.

Natsu blows at the cake, and he breaths flames.

Why are they purple?

Either way they defrost the cake, but now its just destroyed.

I sigh and we celebrate without cake, “hey would you mind if I come take them tomorrow, I sort of have a day off” Dabi scratches the back of his head and I nod.

“great” he smiles and pecks my bottom lip. I blush and leave.

“mom can we walk home?” to avoid a temper tantrum I nod, and ask Kurogiri to warp the car home.

We cross the street, and walk past the police station, the kids spot Keigo at the door, and run after him.

“Keigo, Keigo look what I can do” Natsu exclaims excited and breaths purple flames.

Keigo looks stunned, Killuhua shows off his quirk too, before I know it, were inside the station listening to the boys sing happy birthday over and over again.

“who the hell is turning my station into a kindergarten?” a large voice startles me; I turn and it’s the agent code named Endeavour.

He walks up to me, his strides so threatening, I take a step back, suddenly there’s fire and ice launching at him, the boys are standing protectively In front of me, the ice came from Killuhua’s feet, and the fire from Natsu’s hands, the cop looks taken aback, before he starts laughing.

The kids look confused and so do I. than he gives me an intimidating look.

“I thought these kids belonged to Chisaki?”

“they don’t, come on kids your father is coming to see you tomorrow, you’ll have to go to bed early if you want that”

I quickly rush them out, Kai and Dabi warned me to stay away from him, the kids wave goodbye and we walk home, I arrive at my door, and Chisaki is just standing there.

I open the door and they get inside, “brush your teeth first” I tell them as they go up the stairs, I turn to Chisaki, “hey”

“hey?, that’s all you have to say to me, you haven’t seen me in months”

“yeah, and those are months no one tried to kill my kids, or ruin my life, what do you want me to say” I look him in the eyes and there’s a girlish scream from the boy’s room, I run in.

Their fighting.

“STOP IT” I yell they look at me and stop, I sigh.

“From tomorrow you won’t share a room, will that stop the fights?”

I ask and they grin and nod, they get into bed, I kiss their foreheads goodnight.

I close the door, and turn to see Chisaki is still here.

“where did you go anyway?” I ask him.

“the states” his reply shocks me. But then it just bothers me

“what?, you get arrested or something, or did your man whore habits get the better of you”

“if you’re asking if I knocked up a chick, then no, I haven’t. I want you to be the mother of my children, plus you weren’t safe with me here, so I went under the radar till the rumour that those boys are mine died down, or were you looking to have more psycho’s come after you?”

“no, but why there?” why the states.

“because I wanted to know where Rosalinda comes from, your dad put a pretty high price on that head of yours, it almost tempted me”

“price?, what are you talking about?”

“daddy wants you home, and he’s willing to pay any amount just to get you back, he’s desperate” and I know what he’s like when he gets desperate, he’s relentless, there’s nothing he won’t do, no one he won’t use.

What am I supposed to do? Should I let Dabi take care of them, who do I know that I can trust, someone who isn’t a criminal, Keigo, yes. The kids love him, he can do it. But if he says no.

What if my dad already knows about them, he can’t protect them, not from power hungry monsters like that? I need monsters to deal with the monster.

No, I can’t think like that, he’s still human, I’ll double the bounty on his head, and unlike him, I can actually afford it, or steal it, I don’t care as long as Natsu and Killuhua are safe.

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