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Kai P.O.V.

Rei this has been going on for two weeks Im calling off today's dinner and taking you to the doctor she throws one of Eris slippers at my face, no, you wont this is one of your biggest clients and I promise Ill be the perfect wifey and behave, if you lose this guy youre screwed

I know, but I dont want you coming along youll be the reason I lose the client

She walks out in a long silver dress that hugs her curves perfectly Eri is wearing a white cocktail dress with black flats and a silver charm bracelet that matches her amulet, you shouldve said so before we got all dressed up, now get ready it might take a while for me to do Eris hair

I didnt know Eri was tagging along both women glare at me, if looks could kill I would be dead and resurrected just to be killed again, its either me or the wonder twins, pick a struggle. Seriously, she becomes more and more like Rei every day. I sigh and get ready for this dreaded meeting I seriously wish I didnt have too.

We arrive at the restaurant and I must say my girls look beautiful tonight. We walk to our table and Mr Maki is already seated with his wife and 2 kids, I thought he had three, we take our seats and I look at Maki, Im glad you brought your kid along my wife insisted on bringing the kids he mutters to me softly, you too huh we both laugh and I look around the table there is an open seat I guess thats for his third kid.

so Rosalinda, are your twins coming tonight? Makis wife asks, Rei just shakes head, no, the decided to go to the place across the street I think thats the paint gun gallery or something they will rock up when they are hungry I noticed one of your twins there too, Im guessing the open seat is his

yes, that sneaky bee played me he insisted on tagging along and I nagged his father to bring them along, but he was planning on going there this whole time

I can relate, but at least your twins dont follow each other everywhere, mine do. Im just waiting for a call that says they destroyed the place and they are banned for life

The waiter comes and we order our drinks, Rei just asked for a glass of water, Maki and I discuss our new arrangement Im surprised he asks his wife for input and got her involved in the conversation I look at Rei and she has the kids drooling over every word coming out of her mouth I look closely and they are thoroughly discussing the dessert menu, Chisaki, I know shes beautiful and all, but could we get back to this right here

I heard what he said I just couldnt focus on them, its like an itch you cant ignore, Rei I use a warning tone and she stiffens turning the menu back to the main courses I turn back to the Maki, what was that all about Chisaki?

its Rei, shes been sick for the past few days and all she eats is dessert and junk,] this morning she had a bowl of chocolate chips, whip cream, and milk, granted it was really tasty its still out of character for her shes obsessed with eating healthy and training

sounds like pregnancy cravings to me Mei put me through it twice granted it wasnt odd combinations, she did start liking food she normally doesnt like I look at Rei, she smiles at me from across the table and I smile back the waiter comes back and she orders an actual hot meal it was from the kids menu, but I'm glad she still ordered an actual meal, but with a lot of dessert.

Rei P.O.V.

The waiter brings our food, youd think that because its on the kids menu it would be smaller, but this plate is massive and full I wanted to make room for the dessert. Surprisingly I finished it and Im still hungry, is your brother okay? he still hasnt come back

hes still alive and dont worry hell be here soon I nod and Eri and I are getting a little impatient with waiting for the dessert I heard this place has the best ice cream boat Eri and I ordered one, well share it. The waiter walks past us for the third time I know hes doing his job and we have to wait, but Im about to lose my cool, how long does it take to make a damn ice cream boat.

Rei, wheres the ice cream?

I dont know, but lets wait a little longer, maybe its much harder to make

It finally arrives and it looks delicious, I crack my knuckles and neck this is really happening, I was about to dig in but then hear Killuhuas voice I turn around and the twins are running towards the table they casually greet everyone and Natsu takes the spoon out of my hand, they literally sat at the table and made conversation with everyone while eating my dessert Makis missing son joins them, I still havent had a taste meaning if they finish it I can't wish for it.

say ahhh Natsu feeds me a spoon I eat it, but now Im just mad they just rocked up and finished my main dish after that they leave.

Eri pats me on the back sympathetically and Im about to cry Killuhua runs back in and kisses my cheek, night mom seriously you little devil, at least wish for the thing before you go, Killuhua I waited for hours for that dessert and you guys ate it without me

just order another one and wait another hour. Just kidding, sorry mom we didnt know it took so long I would wish for one but I wont for the same reason you wont

well I dont care Killuhua, besides since when do you actually respect the rules and care about the consequences of your actions stop being a little pain and wish for another boat Eri glares at Killuhua after her smart remark and my nuclear family erupted, Killuhua and Eri started yelling and I just wished for an invisibility cloak and slipped away to the bathroom.

Kai P.O.V.

I cant believe Rei left me with this mess, Eri and Killuhua are having an endless back and forth, Eri sweeps his feet and he falls I use that as a chance to get them away from each other, hey, thats enough

sorry Killuhua, I didnt mean what I said youre my little brother and I should have punched you but I didnt, but also Im sorry

tch, that was a cheap shot and you know it and Im sorry too next time Ill cut your hair in your sleep instead

and here was thinking you were apologising Eri punched him in the nose and I pick her up, hey, thats enough, do you see why you are rarely put in the same room? Natsu shows up and laughs at the two in trouble, oh man, mom is going to murder you two and Im going to watch he rolls on the floor in a fit of laughter just pissing off the other two, I look at Eri, who taught you how to do that? I didnt know she could fight

Killuhua Rei comes out of her cloa, she whispers something in Killuhuas ear and he nods she kisses his forehead and he returns the gesture, Natsu you little shit you ate my dessert, did you think you could get away with that?

actually yeah, thats why I did it and I got away with it, so boom and now I bid thee farewell Rei puts on her cloak and hides, Eri sits back down I look at my client and I just want the ground to swallow me up another boat is brought to our table, Rei takes off the cloak, on the house miss

really? you guys are so cool she gives the man a tight hug I kind of felt like ripping his head off she folds the cloak and digs in, I could cry but I wont

Rei P.O.V

After the dinner I get back to my place for once its quiet, but Denki and Eijiro are here, are you guys permanent residence now

of cours, we are, anything to stare at that gorgeous face every morning Denki flirts

oh yeah? you are too cute I wink and stop half way up the stairs, wheres Katsuki?

shower and your boyfriend is in your room I think Eri is somewhere around there too the twins are out like a light already so what, I officially have three kids?

I open the door and Kai is actually laughing with his daughter and getting pummelled by Eri with a pillow I wish it hurt more. I flop on top of the bed who ever got hurt its not my problem Katsuki came to get Eri after a few minutes he was actually preparing her room, how cute is he.

you feeling okay?

yup, I feel great, just tired

Ill let you rest

BOOK ONE || Kai Chisaki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now