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Kai P.O.V.

I know she missed me, but I didn’t think she missed me this much she kisses me I gently place one hand on her waist while the other supports my body the sexual frustration is seeping off of her in waves she pulls away and gets her self-control back. She’s still on top of me, “will it be too much for you to wait a little longer?”

“no, not at all” good I kiss her one more time before she get’s up we make the bed and I find everyone else their saying goodbye to Kirishima and Bakugou, Dabi is leaving too.

I sit on the couch and Eri talks about the vacation I see her mark on the back of her neck we talk on the couch she and I have never done this father daughter thing mostly because I didn’t know how I didn’t know what she liked to do either so we never really knew what to do or talk about, but we did play video games together.

“I was thinking we could go dress shopping together today you know for your birthday and we could go around deciding where you want it to be”

“so, you didn’t just choose a place for me this time?”

“no” I shake my head she gives me a wide smile and hugs me, “I want to go to an amusement park and ride roller coasters and watch the stars on a ferries wheel I want to take part in a parade and go camping and wake up just to go wait for hours in a lake for a single fish to take the bait and we reel it in and cook it and also go on a camp with other kids my age and tell scary stories at the camp fire do rock climbing and earn scout badges I want to get lost in the mall and find my way home on my own and shop till I drop and taste every dessert all over the city”

The fire in her eyes put a feeling in my chest one so foreign that I can't even explain all I know is that I’d give her the moon if she wished it just as long as she’s happy, “I’ll make that happen we’ll go out and get the camping gear we’ll learn how to fish and when you’re ready I’ll sign you off to any camp you choose, as long as you are happy”

“I love you dad” she hugs me tight and I think the air has been kicked my lungs she’s never said those words to me. in 8 years she never said I love you, “I love you too” I hold her close than I feel someone else hugging me it’s Killuhua, “I love you too” his brother rolls his eyes and sits next to me, “are we invited to the camp the other one not the fishing camp”

“if you promise you won’t get us kicked out and won’t tell anyone who we are I’m okay with it I want to be just Eri with just Killuhua and Natsu at just a normal camp with just normal kids, I’ll even make a bet if you guys can spend the entire camp without using your quirks I’ll do whatever you want on your birthday”

“fine, but if we have no choice but to use our quirks deal stays on someone might target us and that’s a fact we can try to be normal doesn’t mean we will be” Natsu states in a matter of fact tone and they agree and shake on it.

meet you back here in 30 minutes I’ll get ready” I nod and they scatter I walk into the bedroom and Rei is on the floor with nail polish in her hands, “I’m not tagging along I think Eri would enjoy a father daughter bonding experience, I’m very busy”

“what are you doing?”

“my next target is a make-up artist I’m trying to lace this nail polish with a paralysing toxin, but it works too fast I need it to work hours after my meeting with her and well you can see my current predicament” I shower and get ready wearing a jean and hoodie tank top with a Calvin Klein wrist watch and baseball cap “the hell? why do you look so hot, do you think looking like that will make me tag along because if so, your plan is working”

“nope, you are busy”

I walk out the room and Killuhua is wearing a V-neck tank top with shorts,while Natsu is wearing black military cargo pants with no shirt Eri is wearing jean shorts with a long sleeve shirt that’s a bit oversized half tucked in with military boots and black ¾ fingerless gloves with red nail polish her hair is in a high pony tail with one side that has curled strands.

“who dressed you guys?” they give an ‘are you serious’ expression

“we dressed ourselves dad, now can we get going? it’s going to be a long day”

“Natsu are you going out like that?”

“yes, I always end up burning my shirts off, so I’d rather not bother coming back having to explain to mom how it happened”

“this is going to be a very awkward day”


After a chocolate tasting tour natural history museum Paris by mouth food tour and watching the kids become street performers we’re finally at the amusement park to say I’m exhausted is a lie it’s been 4 hours of nonstop walking and sightseeing.

“we’ll meet here every hour if any of you is more than 30 minutes late I’m taking you straight home, deal?”

“deal” they all say before they scatter I follow Eri seeing as how the twins are glued together, “dad I want to get on that” I take her hand and we get on the roller coaster.

Then the water boats than the top spin ride and cliff hanger we took a break from the thrill rides I watched Eri try desperately to win a giant pink bear, “aren’t you going to help her?” a woman asks, “no, she’ll just bite my head off she’ll win eventually” I take her hand and squat down next to her she should’ve won on the first try, “Eri, just breath and relax, what’s wrong? you should’ve won by now”

“I know that dad I know, now shut up you’re making me more nervous”

“hey, breathe you’ve got this Rei will love it I know you’re getting it for her” she calms her nerves and throws the ball again this game is obviously rigged. She finally wins and we find the boys cleaning house at the shooting gallery.

Eri is happy about her win I’m sure she’s a lot more confident too, “I bet you can totally show up the twins, what do you think?” she gives me the bear and walks up to the front, “hey sis” Killuhua says

“aren’t they the golden glider models?”

They all freeze up, “abort” Natsu says pushing the trolly full of stuffed toys out of the way Eri walks up to me and takes my hand we get on more rides it’s 6PM and I get a call from Rei.

Rei: where are you?

Chisaki: amusement park

Rei: where exactly? I’m at the amusement park too

Chisaki: meet by the ferries wheel

Rei: alright, see you there

“hey Eri, Rei said to meet her at the ferries wheel” her face lit up, “she’s here?”

“yeah, come on” I give her a piggy back ride and walk to the ferries wheel Eri takes off my cap and puts it on, “what do think dad? does it look better on me?” I put her down and look her over, “you look like a badass rebel I didn’t even notice you untie your hair” she strikes a pose and I take my phone out and take a picture, “excuse me, could you take a picture of us?” I ask an old lady with a young man next to her we take photos together

“wait, one last picture with us in it” Rei says to the young man the twins run like their life depends on it, “okay we made it” Natsu says to his brother we pose for the picture and I get my phone back, “thank you” I say and Natsu puts the trolly in front of the old woman, “you can pick any you want mom will  make us give them away anyway” Killuhua says.

“we run an orphanage not far from here you could donate them if you like”

“oh yeah, that’s cool with us we don’t need them we could win more stuff for you if you like”

“my what nice children you are the kids will love these” the old woman says, Killuhua adds his white bunny,

“come on, there’s a super easy shooting gallery that has cool looking toys” the boys disappear with the old woman.

“I got you this Rei” Eri hands the bear over to Rei, “thank you Eri its cute, I love it”

BOOK ONE || Kai Chisaki X OCWhere stories live. Discover now