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Place it here,
Place it there,
I would like to introduce myself so unclear,
Dead scars, Burnt hairs,
Cracking woods on the stairs,

Candle lights,
And gloomy sky,
Sad music strikes,
Widowed mourns,
Untangled shoes,
Blood stains on the walls,

Teardrops and screams,
Fills their mind,
Untalented scene,
Unimaginable steams,
Bulk of fears and unclears,
Wakes me up in tears,

This is morbid,
This is sad,
This is me,
I am not bad
I am glad,
That you were here,
Here with me,
Reading this,
Even this is bland.

Short poems,
Are you interested?,
Poems from the heart,
Is this strucks you?
Or it distracts you?,
Because for me weaving this words never bring me fears,
For the fears inside my head,
Bring this masterpiece,
That I carry for years.

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