The Devil's a Dad

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A/N: first of all I would like to thank RavensWing97 for designing the front cover, I love it so much, thank you 😘
Also please remember to vote if you liked the story, a lot of you are adding my story to your reading lists, and viewing the chapters but I'm not getting any votes which, not going to lie, is a little disappointing and annoying so if you could please vote that would be much appreciated ❤️

The police sirens rang in my ears and their lights shone in my mirror. This car was fast. I knew that before I stole it. The thrill of the chase was what I lived for. I was 15 years old and had already been to juvenile prison 7 times, not to mention the countless other crimes I actually got away with.

Burglary, assault, arson, fraud, possession of drugs and alcohol, threatening a police officer, you name it, the list goes on. But I had never killed anyone. You would have thought someone like me would be good with murder, but no. The worst I had done to someone was send them to the hospital, and I only did that because the stupid police officer was holding my wrist too tight. But now, I could add grand theft auto to the list.

I looked up ahead to see a barricade of police vehicles and roadblocks. Shit. I braked harshly. Oh well, I wouldn't be in trouble for long. The door was ripped open, and I was pulled to the ground.

My hands were cuffed behind my back, and I was yanked to my feet. A familiar face walked in front to read my rights. "Heeey Dan." 

Detective Espinoza was always on my tail trying to get me to settle down in life. "Miss Hayes, I see you had some fun with cars. Unfortunately, the owner will need this back." 

A different, British voice came from behind me. "Yes, that car does happen to be one of my favorites." 

I rolled my eyes and looked up to see a guy in a neat, tailored suit. "So, what is it this time, Dan? Detention center, Jail for a few days, Money?" 

Dan sighed. "Seeing as he doesn't want to press charges, nothing this time. But you are better than this." He walks off to his car to get the paperwork. I actually found it hilarious how he carried it with him in order to not waste time taking me to the station.

The guy in the suit walked round to face me. "Hello. Someone has been misbehaving." I smirked and conjured the keys into my hands so I could bring them to show my hands were uncuffed too. "And apparently quite the escape artist, how did you do that?" Tossing him the keys, I decided to answer him truthfully. He wouldn't believe me anyway.

"Ah, that talent was given by the devil, himself." Well, kind of the truth. I did get it from him. I got a lot of talents from him. Teleportation, conjuring, empathic telepathy. 

For some reason, this made him frown. "I can assure you, my dear, you didn't get it from me." What? That made no sense.

"Look, what do you want from me so I can get along with my life and do more with it." The guy looked thoughtful. 

"Nothing this time." His gaze narrowed. "But I have a suspicion this won't be the last time I run into."


For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about that car owner. Something about him intrigued me. I had to find out who he was. It was time to bring up that gift of mine. I focused my mind on the LAPD Police Department and ZAP. I opened my eyes, and I was in a closet. Around me were boxes and boxes of files.

I started to get to work, looking for something that caught my eye. One file did interest me. Because that name should not be anywhere near here. Lucifer Morningstar. I stared and gaped at the name. The rest of the file blurred in my vision. The door opened, and I swiveled around to face Dan. "You have got to be kidding me."

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