Part 36 Journey Like No Other

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Reika's plan was almost entirely flawless she knew how to find her way around anywhere is she was given enough time to search the area, and map it out in her mind. The only problem is that she insisted on going alone.

Reika- It will be a purely intel mission only no fighting only information gathering.

Lilith- you aren't going alone that place Is full of soldiers, they might not be very well trained in Emporer's coven standards but there is enough of them to overpower anyone.

King- I will go with her I am the king of spys demons art and multiple other things.

Eda- I can't see this working but If you two can pull this off then I will be pretty impressed.

Lilith- Edalyn you can't really think this is a good Idea.

Eda- Sure it is just give them a chance because We NEED to see what we are up against.

King sat ontop of Reika's backpack filled with gear and supplies as they started the beginning of there search, It might take them many days but they knew that they must find the exact location.

Reika- Why exactly am I carrying you anyway if you are too weak to walk or you can't catch up then you shouldn't have come.

King- It's your duty I the king and I am saving all my energy for my talents and expertise on the mission.

Reika- Forgive me for questioning you sir.

King- you really do have an odd obsession for those in power don't you.

Reika- I used to believe that even if I am not the strongest I can be at the side of someone who is.

King- So what do you believe now?

Reika looked up at the redish purple boiling Isles sky when replying to king.

Reika- I believe that strength doesn't come from blindly following orders of those who do have strength.

King- is that something you were taught by the old people In the cave.

Reika- No that's something I learned on my own.

(Meanwhile at E-Amity's hide out)

E-Amity was pointing at a map of the Ilse and surrounding mini islands suggesting where their first major attack should be.

Demon 1- It should be something big, flamboyant, you need to attack the centre make your presence know and chaos will surely spread

Demon 2- Thats a ridiculous idea you should start off small and slowly destroy the edges of the Isles they won't know what hit them and there will be no time for them to retaliate.

Demon 3- Let's just blow things up like usual, watch this whole place go up In flames nothing is more satisfying to a fire demon then opening up the crust and watching lava pour through.

E-Amity- I love all of your suggestions but I would enjoy to make this a slow as possible for all inhabitants of the Isles.

(Back to king and Reika)

After a 5 hour walk Reika and king had almost found a lead from nearby villagers who spoke of a mysterious building that had suddenly sprang into sight.

Reika- That seems to be near the Isles Toe Of course they would want to put as much distance between us and them.

King- Does it ever weird you out sometimes that we are living on a giant's dead body.

Reika- It's the way life has always been but I suppose to a mainlander It might be odd or people like that human girl who comes from.. Well wherever she's from.

King- Oh you mean luz yeah she's from the human realm it's kinda in the name.

Reika- sorry sir King but we don't have the time for chit-chat it's late and we need to set up base in this forest which is incredibly dangerous I am sure you know.

King and reika set up a small shelter out of mutant plant leaves and thin sticks they had woven together.

Reika- first thing we do tomorrow is head out there is absolutely no room for anymore stopping.

Reika stood up and sat closer to the fire.

King- Why did you allow Hooty to be taken. I know it Isn't really important at the moment but What did you say to him.

Reika looked away into the trees

Reika- Let's just say I was very persuasive... And cruel. And he was a very willing victim.

King- Pretty kind of you to make the holes events just seem like some unkind words.

Reika- If you and the rest of your little rebellion group would of treated him better maybe a few 'unkind words' wouldn't of swayed him so easily.

King remained silent he knew what the boy's day out meant to Hooty that day and he was the one who turned it into something horrible. He clutched the thick dagger shaped wood chip from Hooty's door that he now wears as a necklace.

King- I am going to use the power of kindness to win my friend back, at least that's what Luz would say.

Reika bursted out laughing

Reika-That sounds like a line from the good witch Azu-

King- wait you read that flowery book too, Luz is going to be soo happy when she finds out tha-.

Reika started to turn red from embarrassment

Reika- You say anything about it and as soon as we get to The Isles toe I will through you into It's ancient toe jam.

King- The toe is a slowly decomposing bone by now there is no toe jam left in it. Where did you hear that from, oh wait don't tell me you still believe in that kids myth told by parents.

Reika- W-Wait that's a myth?!

King- this is too good the scary Miss Reika Wildeman believes in Isles toe Jam and reads the good witch Azura

Suddenly Reika's Embarrassment and shame manifested i to rage she slammed her hand to the ground and once again turned away a tear trickling down her cheek.

Reika- I lost enough pride being beaten in hand to hand combat by my student then used as a loyal sidekick by some demon, living in a cave for months with miserable old people and now this! The shreds of what I call my pride is dwindling and soon to be gone.

King- I'm sorry, What I've said about my regrets Towards Hooty And what you've said about your damaged pride let's keep them a secret know one else needs to know.

King and Reika shared a firm handshake

Reika- Thank you sir king, for some reason I feel lighter now.

King- I think that's how people feel with friendship everything is kinda easier, Wow I definitely need to stop reading fanfiction with Luz I am turning into her.

The two of them laughed into the night and retired to there small shelter for some rest. That word 'friendship' it rung in Reika's head.

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