Part 47 So Close To Their Demise

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Luz, Eda, lilith and gus were facing off against E-Amity who was hovering over the Isles like she owned them. They were far into the fight by now cuts and bruises were all over Their faces.

Lilith- I don't like the idea of you using some spell but we haven't got the time.

Luz- But.. But I haven't even tried to get through to her yet.

Eda- does she seem like the type you can just 'get through to' come on kid we haven't got the time.

Luz ran over to E-Amity her arms out wide.

Luz- Ami come back to me?.... Please?

E-Amity- Oh so sorry to say but she isn't here anymore.. And soon neither will any of you.

E-Amity rose up higher into the air and sent a bolt of lightning Luz's way.

Luz was already weakened her limbs felt tight and breathing was very much a conscious task for her.

With two capture glyphs in her hand she re directed the energy to wards E-Amity who simply glided away from any attacks they sent towards her.

E-Amity- such fun I am having here catch me if you can, Things are gonna get interesting.

Without a second thought Luz ran after E-Amity




They were led into a trap a clearing in the forest where spells were lined across every part of the floor and systematically set of with every step they took nobody got out of there totally uninjured.

Eda- Luz what were you thinking kid our limbs were almost blown off or sliced by the winds. It was a trap filled with elemental magic.

Luz's head was in her hands as E-Amity stayed high in the sky she was as a silent observer peering down at those she considered to be inferior.

E-Amity- You know where my base is try and fight me there if you want a little challenge it's nothing that you can't handle brave human Luz. Hurry up now there might not be very much time left, oh and a little advise go through the open fields it's quicker than the route your friends took the last time. Bye for now.

Lilith- That demon boils my blood, Luz you should play right into her hand like that you could of gotten us all killed.

Luz- I'm... Sorry. I have to go after her now!

Eda grabbed luz's arm oh no you don't I don't see the point in get badly injured all killed because of some botched plan we need to wait here for the others to come hopefully they will bring a potions to enhance our abilities and heal us a bit.

Luz turned to Gus looking for him to side with her. But even he knew that it was entirely reckless.

Gus- I'm sorry but running in like you did earlier almost blow us apart a small step to the left and slightly forwars could of cost me my legs it was scary Luz.

Gus rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably and stared down at his legs.

Luz finally spoke realising the severity of her actions.

Luz- I'm so sorry about that.. It was stupid I can't believe it.. we all could of lost our lives because I was angry.

She leaned in to Gus.

Luz- I promise I won't do that again.

Lilith- Remember 'whatever it takes' doesn't mean blindly throwing yourself into dangerous situations that you have no hope in getting out of it means taking a step back controlling your emotions and finding the best solution.

Eda took things in a way more comedic fashion.

Eda- Well being thrown into dangerous situations is our speciality right Luz?

Luz looked up and laughed wiping away a few tears.

It was night when the others finally found them. Reunited, replenished and refocused they used the cloak of darkness to make their next move into the unknown.

Luz- How did E-Amity even know about Reika and King's route when they went to look for information.

Eda- Who knows but I don't like the idea of going through that field.

Luz- But we know it's the only way to get there before the morning.

Willow- It's your call but If things get too dangerous and we find out the demon was tricking us we will have to find another way there.

Ed- Seems reasonable

Em- yeah that's fair enough

Lilith- I agree to those terms.

Eda, and gus gave nods to Luz.

Luz- Well it's agreed then, let's get moving you guys I just hope we aren't already too late.

The shortcut to E-Amity's base was very much a tiring venture in itself the odd few living trees that were scattered around and lively insects made movement difficult and even as the rain soaked their clothing and provided an extra layer of coldness they pushed on.

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