part 7 friendly reunion

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Luz and Eda worked on defense spells at the beginning of the lesson, the only reason Luz was fighting was to protect herself and get through to Amity after all, there was no need for anything that was to aggressive right? Well in Eda's eyes that wasn't the best idea she wanted to teach Luz that magic can be used in other ways than what it was originally intended for. "Eda I need more than one teacher I think I am going to need time more help with offensive magic in a fight". "I can't believe I still haven't been able to see willow and Gus yet". "Oh you wanna see some of your friends well why didn't you say so kid I could of taken you to them the first day you came back here". Luz got on to Eda's staff and they made there way to the common area for all witches.

Gus and willow didn't do much work with eachother because of there generally being not much of a connection between plant and illusion magic but when the two departments did mix magic Gus and willow would work with eachother.

They were just there now walking up the big stone steps Luz was eager to get to the door.

Luz pov
"I wonder how those two got into the Emporer's coven they must be really mature and driven witches by now." I said a bit of worry in my tone. Eda childishly snorted "Gus and Willow mature? Driven? That would be the day that giraffes re-enter this world". "Why would you say that". "Take a look for yourself". As Eda swung open the door a startled willow and Gus almost jumped from their skin I giggled a bit." Luz!".  They said at the same time as we all hugged eachother. Eda kinda rolled her eyes in a joking way, I could tell they were happy to see me I was happy to see them too. "How has life been for you guys, learn any interesting new magic?. Willows was about to speak when an overly enthusiastic Gus created a giant blue illusion bird that carried him around the witch communal centre." Willow then took us outside to spring up a giant wall that grew multicoloured flowers. My magic isn't as flashy as Gus's but I would say it gets the job done. "What's the point in learning magic if it doesn't dazzle people". Gus spoke back playfully, we all laughed but I remember the other reason why I was here. "What's wrong Luz?" willow said
concern in her voice.

Luz- "I didn't just come here to say hi, I came here because I need to become a stronger witch to help Amity."
Willow- "Don't let her trick you into joining her Luz your so much more better than that."
Luz- "No it's not like that, I am trying to help her get back to normal, you guys know Amity was cursed right?"
Gus- "I guess I kinda just assumed that was just a rumour that was spread around by the Elite coven members because Amity stole there spotlight".
Luz- "trust me that is really not the case she is really cursed and if I don't stop her who knows who she'll hurt."
Luz started to well up with tears towards the end of her sentence Willow and Gus pulled there arms around Luz.

Willow- "I can help you get better at magic you'll be a plant witch in no time."
Gus- who said she wanted to be a plant witch, with me being an illusions witch and Luz  being a human we could teach eachother stuff.
Luz- "I'm interested in learning all types of magic even if it means becoming a criminal in the eyes of the coven, I understand if you don't want to teach me your're both Emporer's Coven witches but the fact that you both specialise in one type of magic just seems pretty cool to me".
Willow-"Oh Luz you know we are both still gonna help you, right Gus?"
Gus- "Of course but you wouldn't happen to have any human items on you at the moment I haven't had much to to search for many objects since joining the coven."

Luz hands over a book that she had been carrying in her backpack it was called our blue home a Daveed Attenborrow book. Here you can keep it

Gus- "wow the human world is so blue and green. Thanks for the book Luz"
Willow - so ,I am busy maintaining the coven Garden, I only came here for my break but still I am willing to teach you maybe tomorrow.
Gus- I am free do you wanna start training today
Luz "sure!"

They said their goodbyes to willow, and went to find Eda and King who were selling human goods or well.... rubbish to the people in the communal. After meeting up Eda took them back to the owl house were Luz's illusion training started.

Thank you for reading.

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