Part 43 Demon 2 The Wailing Woman

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After finding her way through the forest Luz was crawling on her knees the rest of the way to the cave but sudden got up when she felt the sharp rocks dig into her knees. Her shoes were dirt covered and the insides were sweaty from the constant walking.

She heard echos and screams from the inside of the cave, as hard as it was for Luz to stay quiet she knew it was the only way to get them out.

She edged closer to the inside of the cave, she took a peak at the so called 'silent lady' or 2nd demon.

The 2nd demon laughed and threw rock shards around them Luz was finding it more and more difficult to stay quiet as the friends she loved most were being toyed with.

Demon 2- Those Towns people were hilarious they started calling me the 'silent lady' they actually believed I was from that old story, it's a good thing I read up on my Boiling Isle folk tales before I planned my attack oh it was too easy.

Eda spat at her.

Eda- well you don't seem so silent now you gangly freak.

Lilith- Edalyn stop taunting her don't you realise the position we are in right now.

Lilith used her head to gesture because everyone was tied by thick rocks. Unable to cast spells and free themselves.

Eda- Well What is your name miss scary 2nd demon lady.

Demon 2- second demon? I am not second to no one... Wait.. have you already fought the twisted flame?

Eda- Yeah and we defeated him, just wait until my Witch in training gets here we will end you quicker then him.

Demon 2- I am the wailing woman of the deserted planes And I Will NOT be defeated by mere mortals.

Eda- Hi and I am the edgelord of cave creek.

Lilith- Stop antagonising her with your childish jokes your only making things worse.

Demon 2- That witch in training is probably already dead That boat was sinking but don't worry she was sleeping wasn't she it was a fairly peaceful and very metalic death. HAHAHA.

Willow started to tear up the idea of Luz dieing was too painful to bear.

Luz held her hand to her mouth she wanted to call out and reassure people like she always did but she had to take a back seat and wait for her moment.

Demon 2- Of course it was difficult for a loud person like me to be quiet and keep the act up but it certainly paid off the faces of those villagers.

Eda- great so you are a loud mouth and a broken record, you do realise you've already talked about the villagers before, what are you trying to do bore us to death.

Lilith started to get very annoyed and the others were visibly upset too


Eda- Sorry It's just my way of dealing with things if I can't beat up my enemy I can at least taunt them.

Lilith took a deep breath she knew this was something that Eda struggled With but dieing because her younger sister couldn't keep her mouth shut was not an option so she took position of a leader.

Lilith- Edalyn I won't say It again please for goodness sake keep your mouth shut.

Demon 2 Wailing woman - Yeah could she please. I have had enough of her pathetic digs I need to show you my strength maybe then she will shut up.

Lilith- If you don't mind me asking what is with all the stalling.

Demon 2 Wailing Woman - there are children who eat there food straight away and there are some that play with it.

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