1~//Moving In\\

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The Taxi honked at me as it drove away down the paved street. I pulled my large- and heavy suitcase beside me, and stared at the two-story house.
I can't believe I'm really here..! I thought to myself, giddy with excitement. I rolled my shoulders to shift my backpack to the center if my back, and started dragging my suitcase up the little concrete path to the front door. I struggled to lift it up the few steps onto the porch, and hesitated to ring the oval-shaped doorbell.
Was I really about to move-in with a bunch of famous Youtubers?
I pushed the bell, and stepped back from the door, tucking my hands into my Y/u Merch Sweater.
I heard a series of yells and thuds before the door half-opened. In front of me was a groggy, tired-looking BadBoyHalo.
I watched his face light-up in an instant as he noticed my suitcase.
"You must be Y/u!" He chirped excitedly.
"Yeah! Although please- call me Y/n!" I smiled widely.
He open the door wider, stepping out of my way as I plopped my suitcase on the grey, dirty carpet.
"You want help with that?" Bad- or Darryl, asked. I thought for a moment, before asking, "Is my room upstairs?"
Darryl nodded, while sliding the door shut behind him.
"Then yes, I'd like some help!"
Darryl smiled, and took my suitcase from me, walking out into a beautiful layout.
On my left, was a spacious, open kitchen with an island bar attached. The kitchen flowed into a massive living room, with multiple couches and sofa's- of which one was occupied.
A short, black-haired person was looking down at what I assumed was a phone. They turned around to look at me as I walked past.
"Hiya! You must be the new girl/guy!" He said energetically.
"Yup! I'm Y/n!" I answered.
"-Also known as Y/u, right? I'm Zak!" He finished for me, introducing himself.
"Skeppy?" I checked.
"That's me! So-"
"Zak! Leave the poor muffin settle in first!" Darryl called from the stairs- they were on the back wall of the living room.
I chuckled, throwing a small wave to Zak before walking up the stairs behind Darryl.
"I'm not going to bother introducing you to everyone, since you'll meet them all pretty quickly." Darryl said, turning right at the top of the stairs down a hallway. I sighed a tired okay, following him.
We were about to arrive at the last door on the hallway's left wall, as a door on the right flew open. I jumped backwards, hitting the wall.
"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT JACOB-" An extremely tall guy shouted down the hallway, before noticing my startled expression.
"Oh!- Sorry!-Wait, who are you?" He said like it was one long word.
"Y/n- or you'd know me as Y/u!" I said.
"Oh- well hello Y/n! I'm George- but everyone here calls me by my YouTube name, Spifey!" He said.
"I would've recognized you if you weren't so freakishly tall!" I laughed, at ease again.
Spifey smiled, and said, "Yeah, we'll your kinda short..."
"Everyone's short to you!"
Darryl stride up to us, slightly panting.
"Y/n, your bag was heavier than I thought...!" Darryl half-laughed, half-panted. "Oh, and I see you've met Spifey!"
I nodded, and Spifey laughed.
"She didn't even recognize me, I was so 'tall'!" He joked.
I mockingly rolled my eyes, and said, "Yeah, yeah, whatever!"
"Alright you Muffins!" Darryl declared. "Y/n, your stuff is in your room, last one on the left. Now I'm gonna make some dinner!" He walked down the hall after I said my thanks.
"Cool, your my neighbour! I mean, across!" Spifey smiled.
"Yeah!" I smiled back. "Well, Imma go unpack, see ya!" I pointed towards the door with my thumbs, and Spifey nodded. "See you at Dinner."
He retreated back into his room, leaving the door only a crack open. I also turned to my room, and stepped through the doorframe. I stared into a small-ish room, with only a bed tucked into the back right corner; an undecorated desk on the front wall; and a closet integrated into the left wall.
But already the idea's were crowding into my head- where my posters and photo's could go, along with my dresser and PC.
I smiled to myself as I paced around the room, then fell backwards into my bed.
I laid down, gazing at my new ceiling.
And before I knew it, my eyelids were drooping, and my senses dimming.
And sleep came for me like the quiet but quick, laps of waves.

//783 Words\\ <3

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