27~//End Of The Road\\

189 7 15

We were cruising along the highway, the engine rumbling and the outside noise blurred by our speed. The cars coming from the opposite direction zoom past us at alarming speeds, but it's all normal for the highway.

Zak, Spifey, and Harvey are arguing in the backseat, probably bickering about something pretty stupid. Darryl and I are making small talk but I'm only half paying attention, my eyes and mind focus on the long road ahead. We're about 15 minutes away from the trampoline park, which is just off the highway.

I take a peek at my mirror, looking in the back. Spifey is sitting behind me, Harvey in the middle, and Zak behind Darryl. Behind them, we set up the extra seats in the SUV which Mega and Jacob had snagged. I could see Mega's head resting on Jacob's shoulder, the small boy smiling.

I smiled myself and looked ahead again, following the herd of cars South-East.

Pretty fast, I noticed the arguing in the back came to an end and it was just silent. Darryl was humming to himself, the Radio quiet for the sleepers in the back- I knew from experience that every second of sleep was worth it, especially when you're a YouTuber.

I took a glance behind me- Spifey's head was just grazing the roof of the window, his head against the glass. Harvey was flopped over on Zak's upper back because Zak was slumped forward, his head against Darryl's seat.

I nudged Darryl and whispered, "Look."

He turned his head and looked over his shoulder, inspecting his friends. A little smile appeared on his face and he sighed. I checked my side mirrors, looking for Nick's grey truck and saw them not too far behind us, in the left lane. They were passing another car, trying to stay behind us.

I was taken by surprise when I heard Jacob yell my name and I looked to him instead of the road. His face was stricken with fear and I turned to look ahead of me. 

Only a few meters ahead was a giant, thousand-pound moose. I stamped my foot in the brakes too late and we smashed into the giant creature.

WARNING: Description of a car-crash, Mentions of blood.

Everyone suddenly slowed down. I felt a huge force throw me back against my seat, causing my eyes to tear up and head to pound-. Then hundreds of tiny little pricks hit my skin and I subconsciously touched one- glass.

I could hear sliding tires and the sound of cars screeching past us, stepping on the brakes. I couldn't open my eyes, everything was so bright and everything hurt so much. 

Then SLAM-

I was thrown forward again, this time over the dashboard. I hit my head on some of the leftover intact glass and smacked down on the top of the wheel. My head was spinning and my ears were ringing, it was almost like a buzzing. I felt something warm and wet on my arm and managed to open my eyes.


I cried out, the pain winning against my rushing adrenaline. The thousands of little pieces of glass and car parts that were drawing blood and entering my body. I couldn't look around for my friends, I couldn't hear them - I couldn't move.

And then, my conscious gave out and black, painless tranquility wrapped me up in its cold arms.

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