22~//Mind Games\\

202 9 4

|~|POV of Mega|~|

I looked up in surprise as Y/n yelled suddenly. Her eyes were turning pink around the edges, and I saw a tear drip from her eye before she stormed away. I listened to her light footsteps carry on up the stairs.

"Y/n!" Jacob yelled to her, suddenly feeling guilty and regretful. I glanced at him, ruefully seeing a small smile still on his face. He looked over at me and I sent him a glare, before getting off my forearms and chasing after Y/n.

I knew what it was like- to feel stressed and sad and angry and in love, all at once. If anyone could help her, it would be me. I followed her up the stairs before I heard a thud near the top. I could see the ends of her socks peeking over the stairs, before they retracted, disspapearing from my sight.

I got to the top of the stairs, seeing her in a ball, her sides shaking at unsteady, random speeds. She was having a panic attack of some sort- she probably couldn't tell what was going on.

I kneeled down behind her head, lifting it up onto my lap. Her head wasn't going to feel good after this, maybe resting it on something soft would do something.

"Sp-Sp-Spifey..." I heard Y/n stutter out. I patted her head slightly, but she didn't react.

"N-no." I admitted to her. "It's okay, Y/n- Don't worry, I've got you." I whispered to her, cradling her head back and forth. It wasn't long after that that her body stopped shaking, and her breathing steadied to a normal pace. 

I sighed, then trying to lift her up, but she was probably only a few pounds lighter than me- and I was a fricken skinny twig. I groaned quietly, attempting again. I came up with a half lift, half drag solution, the goal being to get her to her bed- and I succeeded.

I pulled her covers over her and closed her blinds, ideally making her room as dark as possible. Once I was happy with my work, and left her room, closing the door behind me as quietly as possible.

Time to give them a lecture- Mega half groaned, half giggled to himself, almost skipping downstairs. He arrived back in the kitchen, the boys talking quietly- at least they were acting upset.

"Everything okay?" Harvey asked with a half-smile. I stopped, his question flyings through my head.

You just witness her have a mental breakdown and run away, not even bothering to check on her and you had the dignity to ask if she's okay?!

My brain thundered anger and guilt messing with my thought process, enough for me to gain some courage.

"Oh yeah, everything totally fine- Y/n did just pass out crying or whatever." I responded sarcastically, then covered my mouth in shock.


Their expression were ranged from shocked to guilty- the shocked ones from those who hadn't heard me speak before. I shook it off, deciding the Y/n's situation was more important than these goofballs awe and confusion.

"Listen idiots." I stated clearly yet quietly. "Y/n is in a tough situation. She just got out of the Hospital a week ago and put herself right into her full-time upload schedule again. Some days she's not eating, some days she's not even coming out of her room. She's stressed, tired. and possibly mentally unstable. Of course, one day she's gonna break a little and want to talk to someone- that someone ended up being Spifey. But you guys harassing her, even if it's a 'Joke', is not helping her at all."

I gasped quietly, taking in a big breath. That was probably one of the longest times I've ever spoken consecutively in years... and I did it for Y/n. I felt good, like a true friend. The range of emotions was now smaller- most of them obviously shocked and a boat-load more guilt.

With that, I decided that I was going to go check on InvadedLands. I spun on my heels, skipping away from the kitchen, glowing with pride and happiness.


//675 Words\\ <3

So, what do you think of this?

I like this kind of chapter- not really focus on the story, but a little step for one of the characters!

Also, tysm for over 600 reads! <3


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