6~//My Ship Has Sailed\\

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⚠️Art not mine! :3⚠️

"Okay, you can't tell me there's not tension in between Jacob and Mega!" I whisper-yelled, and George shushed me.
We were sitting on the couch in the living room, gossiping. It had been three days since our Truth or Dare night, and Nick still wouldn't talk to me.
"I know! I also noticed that Mega went red as a tomato when Zelk sat next to him that night!" Clay giggled like a 7-year-old.
"When I went to get them, they were both in Jacob's room- I'm also pretty sure that he's the only one Mega full-on talks to..." I added.
"Yeah- I mean, I'll be honest, they're pretty cute." George grinned, looking up from his phone.
Clay leaned forward for dramatic effect. "Mega would definitely be a bottom-"
"DON'T even finish that sentence!" I whispered. We all laughed, and I told them I was going to get a snack.
I got up and went to the kitchen, pouring myself some chips. Right as I was about to walk out, Nick walked in- he must've snuck in covered by the sound of chips.
I bumped into his chest, stumbling backwards, a few chips spilling over the bowls edge.
"Woah- you okay?" He asked, grabbing my shoulders so I wouldn't fall over.
"WOAHHH- ENDERMAN WITH NO PEARL!" Clay yelled from the living room, trying to imitate George's British accent.
George squeaked and started to protest, me and Nick chuckling.
"I'm about to go back over there, care to join?" I asked Nick. He looked like he was about to say yes, but hesitated.
"Sorry, I was just coming down for a snack, and then was gonna stream."
"Oh," I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. "See you later, then..."
"Wait- come up in about an hour?" He said. I turned around to grin at him.
I was moving up the stairs, to Nicks room. It had been about an hour and a half, and I got bored downstairs. I passed Jacob's room, his door open, but there was no one inside. I walked down two doors, and was about to knock on Nick's door, when I heard something from across the hall- Mega's room.
I decided to be sneaky, and I pressed up against the door, listening. I couldn't hear much better, so I slowly turned the door handle. I peaked my head through a small crack, to see the cutest thing.
Jacob was sitting up, leaning against the headboard of Mega's bed- Mega was sleeping, his head on Jacob's lap.
As if Zelk has a sixth sense, he looked up from Mega's hair- which he had been playing with- and blushed when he saw me.
I grinned. "I won't say a word."
He smiled his thanks, not wanting to wake Mega up. I slipped my head out of the room, and closed the door again.

//480 Words\\ <3

Kinda a short chapter, but I'll be writing more- after all, I'm only an hour into the drive.

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