9~//All Of Us\\

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Okay, first off, TYSM for 100 Views! (And more now!) I never thought I'd get this far, but YAY! Also, sorry for not updating for the past fews days, there were some things that kept me busy! Okay byeeee~

Warning: Some Swearing


I shoved my small towel into my backpack, which was already filled by other necessities- a water bottle, sunscreen, my phone, and an extra change of clothes. I zipped up the bag, and opened my door, closing it behind me quietly. 

I listened for a second for Spifey through his door, but I couldn't hear him- he must be downstairs already.

I practically skipped down the hallway, and sauntered down the stairs. Most of us were already waiting in the living room, packed and chattering with excitement.

"Who's ready for the beach?" I said while walking over to Jacob, Mega, Finn and Spifey.

"I'm ready to beat your ass in a water war." Spifey smirked, and I punched his upper arm, he squeaked and backed up, putting up his hands in defeat, and Finn laughed.

"I'm ready to TAN, that's what." He smiled.

"You? Tan?" I joked, and he frowned at me.

"You fools do you, me and Mega are going on a walk- apparently there's a cool rock fortress somewhere around there, so that's what we're going to look for." Jacob said, and Mega smiled in agreement.

"Couples need quality time with each other." Spifey snickered, and I rolled my eyes, but the corners of my mouth curved into a smile as well. Jacob started to defend himself, and Spifey just teased back.

I looked for Darryl, but he must've been one of the few we were still waiting for.

"We're here!" Speak of the devil, Zak, Harv and Darryl himself barrelled down the stairs.

"I call SHOTGUN!" Zak screeched.

"You can ride with Nick then." George smiled, moving next to Clay. "I called shotgun with Dream." Clay's face heated up a bit, but he stamped it down again- but not fast enough to hide it from me.

We arranged who was driving with who- Car 1 was Nick, Zak, Darryl, Harv, Spifey, and Finn. Car 2 was Clay, George, Jacob, Mega, and myself. We all started piling through the front door, and I was out second last, just in-front of Darryl. He turned the keys in the door's lock, and I heard the click. Darryl turned around to smile at me, and we walked to our cars.

"See you at the beach!" I smiled at him, and he echoed that back to me. I walked over to the grey pick-up truck the was full of guys, and I pulled open the back left door. I slid in, next to Mega.

"Your the middle?" I said. 

He nodded. "I-I'm the sm-smallest..." He stuttered out, but he was getting better at talking with me. I felt a rush of happiness, and hugged him.

"I'm glad you trust me." I smiled again, bigger.

"Me-e too."


The truck rolled onto the sand, halting abruptly.

"Thanks Clay!" We all chirped while exiting the car. I slammed the door behind me, and look out onto the beach. It was a bright, white sand, contrasted by the beautiful blue of the ocean. I looked to my right, and saw the beach slowly progress into little round boulders and rocks. 

I picked up the closest one too me- they were heavy, white, and very round. I noticed tons of little black speckles on them. I dropped the rock, and followed everyone else to the sand.

We'd chosen a remote, less known of beach, and a day we suspected less people would be here. It was due to rain at about four in the afternoon, so we'd left early. I suspected it was about 10:30.

I saw everyone rolling out their towels, and dropping their bags. There really was no-one else at the beach, I looked far to the left and right, and saw not a single person- wait, no. There was a man walking towards us, coming from the left. He was very tall- maybe as tall as Clay. I reached my mind trying to remember who we'd invited, and then it sprung to my mind.

"Techno!" I yelled, dropping my stuff and walking towards him. The closer I got, the better I could see his smile. We met a short distance away from the rest of the group, and I grabbed him into a big hug.

"Hey pig-man." I heard Zak chortle.

"Hey nerd." Techno stated back. He wiggled his arm out of my tight hug, and I heard him pat Zak's head.

"Man, you really ARE short."

"Hey!" Zak scowled, moving away from his patting hand. I let go, and beamed at them both.

"He's really here!" I whispered loudly to Zak, and they both laughed. "I honestly expected him to be a no-show!"

"Hey now, I would not."

"Would too." Zak argued with me, and then it was my turn to laugh.

We all walked over to the rest of the group, and there was a frenzy of greetings, hugs, and jokes. I went over to my bag and grabbed out my towel and spray-on sunscreen, and applied a layer to my skin. I then stepped back from my bag, slid of my flip-flops, and went back to the gathering of YouTubers.

Some of them were already in their swim-trunks, and some were going to change later. I was one of the late-changers. I watched Nick and George chase Clay into the water, where they all tripped on the sand- falling into the freezing ocean. I listened to George cursing, and giggled, but my quiet laughing was covered by Darryl's yelling.


"They're men. They can scream like girls if they want to." Techno grumbled with amusement.

"Hey!" I said, taking mock offence.

"I wasn't lying."

I stomped over to Techno, attempting to avenge myself, but I had to tilt my head way further up then I would've liked. He was grinned down at me, and I mumbled to myself, before turning away again.

"You are also very short, for the record."

"No!" I said, looking over my shoulder, arms crossed. "The average woman is liked, 5'5 or something! I'm almost 5'7!"

"And I'm 6'1, good try." He mocked. I turned around again, and lightly punch his stomach- he barely even reacted. He raised an eyebrow at me, doing that 'Are You Serious' face, and then swooped down and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"What the FUCK- TECHNO!" I complained, and started hitting his head.

"Ow- ow, stop." He said, monotone as usual.

"No! Put me DOWN." I said, quadruple the emotion he had. He reluctantly put me down, and stared at me.

"Don't mess with me."

"Or what?" I challenged, staring him straight in the eyes. Then I shrieked, and started running down to the water, Techno just laughing after me.


//1111 Words\\ <3 (WOAH! xD)


Sorry, but now I don't know what to choose- Y/n x Sapnap or Y/n x Technoblade. Help meeeeeee!

Okay byeeee! <3


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