15~//Pent Up Loneliness\\

298 10 4

*S/b = Siblings Name*

|~|POV Of Y/n|~|

I blinked hazily, the glaring light of my phone screen shining into my eyes. I scrolled through Twitter, many tweets concerning over me, wondering if I was okay, and where I was.

Last night, I'd been given my phone again, and I accepted it gratefully. The nurses said that I shouldn't spend too much time on it, but the most of my concussion had healed, and I was able to handle the screen's glare.

I'd immediately tweeted out that I was alright, and would hopefully be posting video's again soon- I was just taking a 'break'.

I sighed, slumping backwards on the bed, putting down my phone. Many emotions and reactions to everything were stored up inside me, and I was starting to have an internal break-down because of it- so many of my fans cared, and I understood that- appreciated that. But there were many that wanted to know why I was on a break- why I'd taken a whole week extra to tell them. It was getting to me.

I flipped my phone over and squinted my eyes to see the time- 6:28 AM. I rolled my eyes and groaned- my sleep scheduled was even more messed up than usual- and that's coming from a YouTuber.

I'd been checking my YouTube a lot lately as well, and I'd noticed something unfortunate- my Subscriber count was going down.

I was at 768 Thousand yesterday... I wilted, looking at the 767,483 that read as my Subscriber reading. I'd been working so hard- just to end up going back couple steps. 

I wanted to post something for them- I wanted to be sitting in front of my set-up again, laughing with my friends. I wanted to be playing Bedwars games, and grinding materials for an SMP. The comfortable feeling of soft headphones around my head, the clicking of keys and my mouse.

.....How long would it be till I could be myself again?


My eyelids flashed up when I heard the click of my room door opening, and I sat up in bed. I grinned when Clay, George and Nick walked in, sliding the door shut behind themselves.

"Guys!" I yipped excitedly, and I motioned for them to come over. Nick was the first to be by my side, and I pulled him into a hug.

"Hey Y/n- how are you feeling?" Nick smiled.

"Awesome now that you guys are here!" I cheered jokingly, but kind-of meaning it. I hugged Clay and George as well, and they all sat down in a row of chairs on the left side of my bed. As we all chatted and caught up on things, I noticed Nick was fazing out a bunch, staring out the window.

"So how is everyone else?" I asked.

"Pretty good- everyone's excited that your going to be coming home in a few days." Clay admitted, whispering the last part.

"You weren't supposed to know that." George smirked, chuckling.

"Eh-" Clay shrugged, and nudged Nick.

"Huh?" He looked at Clay, his eyes questioning.

"Are you even paying attention?" George laughed, and I giggled with him.

"No..." Nick mumbled, and I I flicked his forehead. He frowned, moving his head back, and I smothered a laugh. Nick wasn't laughing though- I noticed his gaze flick to my forearm- where my IV was inserted. I didn't like looking at it- it made me feel sick.

Nick looked down at his lap, and I gulped back some nerves- I assumed they'd just come for a quick visit- they weren't planning to stay long. 

"You guys should get going- I'm sure there are more important things to do."

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